Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of human triploid embryos in art programs


  • S. B. Baikoshkarova Human Reproduction clinic "Ecomed", Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • Zh. B. Sabyrbek Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • L. S. Sadybekova Taraz State University named after M.H.Dulati, Republic of Kazakhstan, Taraz
  • A. M. Mahambetova Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
  • G. A. Umorbekova Human Reproduction clinic "Ecomed", Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • N. G. Kurmanaliyeva Human Reproduction clinic "Ecomed", Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
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meiosis, fertilization, embryo, genetic diagnosis, triploidy.


Within the IVF program, triploid embryos are abortive material and are disposed of. However, the potential and genetic mechanisms realized in triploid embryos are still unknown. In this case, the study of the genetic indices of human triploid embryos in the programs of assisted reproductive technologies is not only applied but also fundamental in understanding the processes of fertilization and early embryogenesis of human. During the study, data were obtained on the genetic features of early embryogenesis of human triploid embryos and the different frequency of elimination of excess genomic set in their genotype that arose as a result of diandra, diginiya and dispermy. An assessment was made of the incidence of singamy disorders and chromosome segregation in human triploid embryos. In the course of the study, the following results were obtained, it was found that in human triploid embryos, there is a mechanism for eliminating the excess haploid set in early embryogenesis at the cleavage stage, it was found that the frequency of diploid embryos in the diginic group was 74.5%, in the dispermy group 89% In the diandra group only 10%, a low frequency (3%) of the violation of chromosome segregation in human triploid embryos was detected.


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How to Cite

Baikoshkarova, S. B., Sabyrbek, Z. B., Sadybekova, L. S., Mahambetova, A. M., Umorbekova, G. A., & Kurmanaliyeva, N. G. (2018). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of human triploid embryos in art programs. Experimental Biology, 70(1), 50–56. Retrieved from

