The influence of interspecific relationships to the helminthes’ quantity in moor frog


  • N. E. Tarassovskaya Pavlodar state pedagogical institute, Kazakhstan Republic, Pavlodar
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moor frog, nematodes, trematodes, helminthes interspecific interaction, location, intestine, lung, blood feeding.


On the results of comparison between the parasites of respiratory organs in moor frog in 2015 – nematode Rhabdias bufonis and trematode Haplometra cylindracea – the negative arrange of parasites abundance each to other was revealed. Among the reasons for the decreasing of number of each helminthes species in joint composition we can state direct space and trophy competition, negative influence each to other worms through the host’s organism, mediation helminthes’ interaction by other parasites species, different ways and time of the hosts’ infection by nematodes and trematodes, infection by different worms’ species of different age groups, advantage of the first-infected parasite in the host’s organism.  Trematode H.cylindracea cases vasodilatation, easy penetration of migratory larvae of R.bufonis to frogs’ lung, growth of lung tissue. But helminthes casing the lung hyperemia can provocative the local leucocyte immune reactions destructed in the first time the trematodes; whereas nematodes are defended by impenetrable cuticle in more degree. In the result lung helminthes interaction which may be positive or negative in different years often turns out in favour of nematodes.

In digestive tract trematode Opisthioglyphe ranae is indifferent to the presence of nematode Oswaldocruzia filiformis which reliability decreases it’s quantity together with O.ranae. The number of H.cylindracea had statistically authentic arranging to O.ranae, which was neutral to the presence of lung trematode. Intestinal nematode O.filiformis avoids lung trematode H.cylindracea whereas the last species had authentic arranging to this composition. Interaction between lung nematode R.bufonis and intestine trematode O.ranae was almost neutral.


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How to Cite

Tarassovskaya, N. E. (2018). The influence of interspecific relationships to the helminthes’ quantity in moor frog. Experimental Biology, 70(1), 12–22. Retrieved from