The historical analysis of flora on the floodplain forests in the basin of the river Ural within the West Kazakhstan area
the historical analysis, flora, floodplain forests, river basin, Ural River, the West Kazakhstan area, environmental and historical suites.Abstract
In the basin of the Ural River and its inflows, the largest Western Kazakhstan forest area are concentrated which increase value of environmental protection. Up to now forest cover composes 0,6% of the region territory.
The flora of floodplain forests are characterized by vast species of plant. In the area of study, according to specified data, there are 630 wild species of vascular plants belong to 73 families and 309 genera.
All species of floodplain forests flora in the basin of the Ural river are divided by ecology-historical suites. At an establishment of suites were taken into consideration way of modern diffusion of species, their coenotic position, genetic relations of individual species, and the cycle of the development and vitality of the species in the plant community.
In the study area 14 ecology-historical suites have been distinguished. Among the ecological-historical suites f, representatives of meadow (92; 14,6%), meadow steppe (85; 13,5%) and anthropogenic retinues (83; 13,2%) dominated. Part of rest species of retinues are much lower. It is required to emphasis, that Ural river is refugium, where preserved forest core.
Conducted environmental historical analysis shows a preservation of common non-moral core in the floodplain forests, in the other hand, significant anthropogenic impacts on the floodplain communities of the Ural river basin.
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