Ecological problems of Kazakhstan, It is a cheap wayof growing maple, oak, juniper, acacia, lilas and edication of youth in environmental patriotism


  • K. N. Zhailybai Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
  • A. Zh. Zhalgasbaeva Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
  • K. A. Shuceitova Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
  • B. D. Duisenby Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
  • Zh. M. Abibullaeva Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
        83 61


Global warming, climatic cycles, ecology of Kazakhstan, maple, oak, juniper, acacia, lilac and cheapest wey to growing them, improwing the envirovemental situation in Kazakh- stan, enviromental youth patriotism,


To prevent the negative impact of global warming and climate cycles on the environment in Kazakhstan annually for 40-45 years should be grown in large guantities and strongly photosynthe- tic long-lived woody plants, maple, arborvitae, oak, juniper,acacia and education of environmental patriotism.


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2. Жайлыбай К.Н.,Мұхамединова Н.Ә. Қазақстан экологиясын жақсарту мәселелері және емен, арша, акация, сирень өсірудің ең арзан әдістемесі (Ұсыныстар).- Алматы, 2012.- 28 б.

3. Кривенко В.Г. Природная циклика нашей планеты //Вестник РАЕН.- 2010.- № 3.- С.25-29.


How to Cite

Zhailybai, K. N., Zhalgasbaeva, A. Z., Shuceitova, K. A., Duisenby, B. D., & Abibullaeva, Z. M. (2015). Ecological problems of Kazakhstan, It is a cheap wayof growing maple, oak, juniper, acacia, lilas and edication of youth in environmental patriotism. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 49–52. Retrieved from

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