Tau-saghyz (Scorzonera tau-saghyz Lipsch. Et GG Bose) an alternative source of natural rubber
Scorzonera tau-saghyz Lipsch. et Bosse, H. brasiliensis, rubber, culture cells in vitro, biosynthesis.Abstract
The overview shows the basic provisions that define the benefits tau sagyz (Scorzonera tau-saghyz Lipsch. Et GG Bosse), as an alternative common in the world of rubber trees, a source of natural rubber. Provides information on the biology of the tau sagyz - unique plant - rubber plants endemic of southern Kazakhstan. The basic rubber biosynthetic pathway in plants, rubber plants on the example of rubber trees (H. brasilensis), dandelion (Taraxacum brevicorniculatum) and fig Ficus sp. They discussed their own results with cell culture sagyz tau in vitro and the prospect of genetically improved plants with increased productivity and shorten the accumulation of natural rubber in the roots. The ways of using modern biotechnology to restore the strength of the nature of the rare and endangered species, and the establishment of plantations for commercial rubber from the roots.References
1. Павлов И.В. Растительные ресурсы Южного Казахстана. - М.: Московское общество испытателей природы, 1947. – 128 с.
2 Культиасов М.В. Тау-сагыз и введение его в культуру. - Л.: Издательство Академии наук СССР,1938 - 315 с.
3. Gelling K. On the Rebound. Scientists revive search for new rubber sources // Science News. – 2013. - №9. – Р. 67-71.
4 van Beilen JB, Poirier Y. Establishment of new crops for the production of natural rubber. // Trends Biotechnol. – 2007. - №25. – Р. 522-529.
5 Mooibroek, H., Cornish, K., Alternative sources of natural rubber.// Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. - 2000. - №53. – Р. 355–365.
6 Bushman B.S., Scholte A.A., Cornish K., Scott D.J., Brichta J.L., Vederas J.C., Ochoa O., Michelmore R.W., Shintani D.K., Knapp S.J. Identification and comparison of natural rubber from two Lactuca species. // Phytochemistry. – 2006. - №67 (23). – Р. 2590–2596.
7 Wasano N., Konno K., Nakamura M., Hirayama C., Hattori M., Tateishi K. A unique latex protein, MLX56, defends mulberry trees from insects. // Phytochemistry. – 2009. - №70. – Р. 880–888.
8 Gomez J.B., Hamzah S. Particle size distribution in Hevea latex – some observations on the electron microscopic method. // J. Nat. Rubber. Res. – 1989. - №4. – Р. 204-211.
9 Cornish K. Similarities and differences in rubber biochemistry among plant species. // Phytochemistry. - 2001. - №57. – Р. 1123–1134.
10 Wood D.F., Cornish K. Microstructure of purified rubber particles. Int. //J. Plant Sci. – 2000. - №161. – Р. 435–445.
11 Siler D.J., Goodrich-Tanrikulu M., Cornish K., Stafford A.E., McKeon T.A. Composition of rubber particles of Hevea brasiliensis, Parthenium argentatum, Ficus elastica, and Euphorbia lactiflua indicates unconventional surface structure // Plant Physiol. Biochem. – 1997. - №35. – Р. 881–889.
12 Cornish K. The separate roles of plant cis and trans prenyl transferases in cis-1, 4-polyisoprene biosynthesis. // Eur. J. Biochem. - 1993. - №218. - Р. 267–271.
13 Tang C, Xiao X, Li H, Fan Y, Yang J, Qi J, Li H. Comparative Analysis of Latex Transcriptome Reveals Putative Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Super Productivity of Hevea brasiliensis // PLoS ONE. – 2013. - №8(9), doi:10.1371. – Р. e75307.
14 Chow K.S., Isa M.N., Bahari A., Ghazali A.K., Alias H., Zainuddin Z.M., Hoh C.C., Wan K.L. Metabolic routes affecting rubber biosynthesis in Hevea brasiliensis latex // J. Exp. Bot. – 2012. - №58. – Р. 2429–2440.
15 Rojruthai P., Sakdapipanich J.T., Takahashi S., Hyegin L., Noike M., Koyama T., Tanaka Y. In vitro synthesis of high molecular weight rubber by Hevea small rubber particles. //J. Biosci. Bioeng. - 2010. - №109. – Р. 107–114.
16 Schmidt T., Lenders M., Hillebrand A., van Deenen N., Munt O., Reichelt R. Eizenreich W., Fisher R., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Characterization of rubber particles and rubber chain elongation in Taraxacum koksaghyz // BMC Biochem. – 2010. - №11. – Р. 11.
17 Hillebrand A., Post J.J., Wurbs D., Wahler D., Lenders M., Krzyzanek V. Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Down-regulation of small rubber particle protein expression affects integrity of rubber particles and rubber content in Taraxacum brevicorniculatum. // PLoS One. – 2012. - №7. – Р. e41874.
18 Cornish K., Castillón J., Scott D.J. Rubber molecular weight regulation, in vitro, in plant species that produce high and low molecular weights in vivo. // Biomacromolecules. – 2000. - №1. – Р. 632–641.
19 Collins-Silva J., Nural A.T., Skaggs A., Scott D., Hathwaik U., Woolsey R., Schegg K., McMahan C., Whalen M., Cornish, K., Shintani D. Altered levels of the Taraxacum kok-saghyz (Russian dandelion) small rubber particle protein, TkSRPP3, result in qualitative and quantitative changes in rubber metabolism // Phytochemistry. – 2012. - №79. – Р. 46–56.
20 Asawatreratanakul K., Zhang Y.-W., Wititsuwannakul D., Wititsuwannakul R., Takahashil S., Rattanapittayaporn A., Koyama T. Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of cDNA encoding cisprenyltransferases from Hevea brasiliensis. A key factor participating in natural rubber biosynthesis // Eur. J. Biochem. - 2003. - №270. – Р. 4671–4680.
21 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman RM., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum // Plant Physiol. - 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
22 Kirschner J., Ŝtěpȃnek J., Ĉerný T., De Heer P., van Dijk P.J. Available ex situ germplasm of the potential rubber crop Taraxacum koksaghyz belongs to a poor rubber producer, T. brevicorniculatum (Compositae-Crepidinae). Genet Resour // Crop. Evol. – 2012. - DOI: 10.1007/s10722-012-9848-0.
23 Oh S.K., Kang H., Shin D.H., Yang J., Chow K.-S., Hoong Yeet Yeang H.Y., Wagner B., Breiteneder H., Kyung-Hwan Han K.H. Isolation, Characterization, and Functional Analysis of a Novel cDNA Clone Encoding a Small Rubber Particle Protein from Hevea brasiliensis. //J. Biol. Chem. – 1999. - № 274. – Р. 17132–17138.
24 Kim I.J., Ryu S.B., Kwak Y.S., Kang H. A novel cDNA from Parthenium argentatum Gray enhances the rubber biosynthetic activity in vitro. // J. Exp. Bot. - 2004. - № 55. – Р. 377–385.
25 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman R.M., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum.// Plant Physiol. – 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
26 Schmidt T., Lenders M., Hillebrand A., van Deenen N., Munt O., Reichelt R. Eizenreich W., Fisher R., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Characterization of rubber particles and rubber chain elongation in Taraxacum koksaghyz // BMC Biochem. – 2010. - №11. – Р. 11.
27 Boguspaev K.K., Turasheva S.K., Faleev D.G., Amangul, Aksambaeva A.S. Introduction of wild rubber plants Tau-saghys (Scorzonera tau-saghys) in vitro culture. // VII International Congress Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development. - Moscow, 2013. - P. 111.
28 Dennis M.S., Light D.R. Rubber elongation factor from Hevea brasiliensis // J. Biol. Chem. – 1989. - № 264. – Р. 18608–1861.
29 Oh S.K., Kang H., Shin D.H., Yang J., Chow K.-S., Hoong Yeet Yeang H.Y., Wagner B., Breiteneder H., Kyung-Hwan Han K.H. Isolation, Characterization, and Functional Analysis of a Novel cDNA Clone Encoding a Small Rubber Particle Protein from Hevea brasiliensis. //J. Biol. Chem. – 1999. - № 274. – Р. 17132–17138.
30 Kim I.J., Ryu S.B., Kwak Y.S., Kang H. A novel cDNA from Parthenium argentatum Gray enhances the rubber biosynthetic activity in vitro. // J. Exp. Bot. - 2004. - № 55. – Р. 377–385.
31 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman R.M., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum.// Plant Physiol. – 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
32 Rounsley S.D., Last R.L. Shotguns and SNPs: how fast and cheap sequencing is revolutionizing plant biology. // Plant J. – 2010. - №61. – Р. 922-927.
33 Portnoy V., Diber A., Pollock S., Karchi H., Lev S., Tzuri G., Harel-Beja R., Forer R., Portnoy V.H., Lewinsohn E., Tadmor Y., Burger J., Schaffer A., Karzir N. Use of non-normalized, non-amplified cDNA for 454-based RNA sequencing of fleshy melon fruit.// Plant Gen. - 2011. - №4. – Р. 36-46.
1 Pavlov I. Plant Resources of South Kazakhstan. - M.: Moscow Society of Naturalists, 1947. - 128 p.
2 Kultiasov M.V. Tau-saghyz and keeping it in kulturu. - L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1938 - 315 p.
3 van Beilen JB, Poirier Y. Establishment of new crops for the production of natural rubber. // Trends Biotechnol. – 2007. - №25. – Р. 522-529.
4 van Beilen JB, Poirier Y. Establishment of new crops for the production of natural rubber. // Trends Biotechnol. – 2007. - №25. – Р. 522-529.
5 Mooibroek, H., Cornish, K., Alternative sources of natural rubber.// Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. - 2000. - №53. – Р. 355–365.
6 Bushman B.S., Scholte A.A., Cornish K., Scott D.J., Brichta J.L., Vederas J.C., Ochoa O., Michelmore R.W., Shintani D.K., Knapp S.J. Identification and comparison of natural rubber from two Lactuca species. // Phytochemistry. – 2006. - №67 (23). – Р. 2590–2596.
7 Wasano N., Konno K., Nakamura M., Hirayama C., Hattori M., Tateishi K. A unique latex protein, MLX56, defends mulberry trees from insects. // Phytochemistry. – 2009. - №70. – Р. 880–888.
8 Gomez J.B., Hamzah S. Particle size distribution in Hevea latex – some observations on the electron microscopic method. // J. Nat. Rubber. Res. – 1989. - №4. – Р. 204-211.
9 Cornish K. Similarities and differences in rubber biochemistry among plant species. // Phytochemistry. - 2001. - №57. – Р. 1123–1134.
10 Wood D.F., Cornish K. Microstructure of purified rubber particles. Int. //J. Plant Sci. – 2000. - №161. – Р. 435–445.
11 Siler D.J., Goodrich-Tanrikulu M., Cornish K., Stafford A.E., McKeon T.A. Composition of rubber particles of Hevea brasiliensis, Parthenium argentatum, Ficus elastica, and Euphorbia lactiflua indicates unconventional surface structure // Plant Physiol. Biochem. – 1997. - №35. – Р. 881–889.
12 Cornish K. The separate roles of plant cis and trans prenyl transferases in cis-1, 4-polyisoprene biosynthesis. // Eur. J. Biochem. - 1993. - №218. - Р. 267–271.
13 Tang C, Xiao X, Li H, Fan Y, Yang J, Qi J, Li H. Comparative Analysis of Latex Transcriptome Reveals Putative Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Super Productivity of Hevea brasiliensis // PLoS ONE. – 2013. - №8(9), doi:10.1371. – Р. e75307.
14 Chow K.S., Isa M.N., Bahari A., Ghazali A.K., Alias H., Zainuddin Z.M., Hoh C.C., Wan K.L. Metabolic routes affecting rubber biosynthesis in Hevea brasiliensis latex // J. Exp. Bot. – 2012. - №58. – Р. 2429–2440.
15 Rojruthai P., Sakdapipanich J.T., Takahashi S., Hyegin L., Noike M., Koyama T., Tanaka Y. In vitro synthesis of high molecular weight rubber by Hevea small rubber particles. //J. Biosci. Bioeng. - 2010. - №109. – Р. 107–114.
16 Schmidt T., Lenders M., Hillebrand A., van Deenen N., Munt O., Reichelt R. Eizenreich W., Fisher R., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Characterization of rubber particles and rubber chain elongation in Taraxacum koksaghyz // BMC Biochem. – 2010. - №11. – Р. 11.
17 Hillebrand A., Post J.J., Wurbs D., Wahler D., Lenders M., Krzyzanek V. Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Down-regulation of small rubber particle protein expression affects integrity of rubber particles and rubber content in Taraxacum brevicorniculatum. // PLoS One. – 2012. - №7. – Р. e41874.
18 Cornish K., Castillón J., Scott D.J. Rubber molecular weight regulation, in vitro, in plant species that produce high and low molecular weights in vivo. // Biomacromolecules. – 2000. - №1. – Р. 632–641.
19 Collins-Silva J., Nural A.T., Skaggs A., Scott D., Hathwaik U., Woolsey R., Schegg K., McMahan C., Whalen M., Cornish, K., Shintani D. Altered levels of the Taraxacum kok-saghyz (Russian dandelion) small rubber particle protein, TkSRPP3, result in qualitative and quantitative changes in rubber metabolism // Phytochemistry. – 2012. - №79. – Р. 46–56.
20 Asawatreratanakul K., Zhang Y.-W., Wititsuwannakul D., Wititsuwannakul R., Takahashil S., Rattanapittayaporn A., Koyama T. Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of cDNA encoding cisprenyltransferases from Hevea brasiliensis. A key factor participating in natural rubber biosynthesis // Eur. J. Biochem. - 2003. - №270. – Р. 4671–4680.
21 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman RM., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum // Plant Physiol. - 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
22 Kirschner J., Ŝtěpȃnek J., Ĉerný T., De Heer P., van Dijk P.J. Available ex situ germplasm of the potential rubber crop Taraxacum koksaghyz belongs to a poor rubber producer, T. brevicorniculatum (Compositae-Crepidinae). Genet Resour // Crop. Evol. – 2012. - DOI: 10.1007/s10722-012-9848-0.
23 Oh S.K., Kang H., Shin D.H., Yang J., Chow K.-S., Hoong Yeet Yeang H.Y., Wagner B., Breiteneder H., Kyung-Hwan Han K.H. Isolation, Characterization, and Functional Analysis of a Novel cDNA Clone Encoding a Small Rubber Particle Protein from Hevea brasiliensis. //J. Biol. Chem. – 1999. - № 274. – Р. 17132–17138.
24 Kim I.J., Ryu S.B., Kwak Y.S., Kang H. A novel cDNA from Parthenium argentatum Gray enhances the rubber biosynthetic activity in vitro. // J. Exp. Bot. - 2004. - № 55. – Р. 377–385.
25 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman R.M., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum.// Plant Physiol. – 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
26 Schmidt T., Lenders M., Hillebrand A., van Deenen N., Munt O., Reichelt R. Eizenreich W., Fisher R., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Characterization of rubber particles and rubber chain elongation in Taraxacum koksaghyz // BMC Biochem. – 2010. - №11. – Р. 11.
27 Boguspaev K.K., Turasheva S.K., Faleev D.G., Amangul, Aksambaeva A.S. Introduction of wild rubber plants Tau-saghys (Scorzonera tau-saghys) in vitro culture. // VII International Congress Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development. - Moscow, 2013. - P. 111.
28 Dennis M.S., Light D.R. Rubber elongation factor from Hevea brasiliensis // J. Biol. Chem. – 1989. - № 264. – Р. 18608–1861.
29 Oh S.K., Kang H., Shin D.H., Yang J., Chow K.-S., Hoong Yeet Yeang H.Y., Wagner B., Breiteneder H., Kyung-Hwan Han K.H. Isolation, Characterization, and Functional Analysis of a Novel cDNA Clone Encoding a Small Rubber Particle Protein from Hevea brasiliensis. //J. Biol. Chem. – 1999. - № 274. – Р. 17132–17138.
30 Kim I.J., Ryu S.B., Kwak Y.S., Kang H. A novel cDNA from Parthenium argentatum Gray enhances the rubber biosynthetic activity in vitro. // J. Exp. Bot. - 2004. - № 55. – Р. 377–385.
31 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman R.M., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum.// Plant Physiol. – 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
32 Rounsley S.D., Last R.L. Shotguns and SNPs: how fast and cheap sequencing is revolutionizing plant biology. // Plant J. – 2010. - №61. – Р. 922-927.
33 Portnoy V., Diber A., Pollock S., Karchi H., Lev S., Tzuri G., Harel-Beja R., Forer R., Portnoy V.H., Lewinsohn E., Tadmor Y., Burger J., Schaffer A., Karzir N. Use of non-normalized, non-amplified cDNA for 454-based RNA sequencing of fleshy melon fruit.// Plant Gen. - 2011. - №4. – Р. 36-46.
1. Павлов И.В. Растительные ресурсы Южного Казахстана. - М.: Московское общество испытателей природы, 1947. – 128 с.
2 Культиасов М.В. Тау-сагыз и введение его в культуру. - Л.: Издательство Академии наук СССР,1938 - 315 с.
3. Gelling K. On the Rebound. Scientists revive search for new rubber sources // Science News. – 2013. - №9. – Р. 67-71.
4 van Beilen JB, Poirier Y. Establishment of new crops for the production of natural rubber. // Trends Biotechnol. – 2007. - №25. – Р. 522-529.
5 Mooibroek, H., Cornish, K., Alternative sources of natural rubber.// Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. - 2000. - №53. – Р. 355–365.
6 Bushman B.S., Scholte A.A., Cornish K., Scott D.J., Brichta J.L., Vederas J.C., Ochoa O., Michelmore R.W., Shintani D.K., Knapp S.J. Identification and comparison of natural rubber from two Lactuca species. // Phytochemistry. – 2006. - №67 (23). – Р. 2590–2596.
7 Wasano N., Konno K., Nakamura M., Hirayama C., Hattori M., Tateishi K. A unique latex protein, MLX56, defends mulberry trees from insects. // Phytochemistry. – 2009. - №70. – Р. 880–888.
8 Gomez J.B., Hamzah S. Particle size distribution in Hevea latex – some observations on the electron microscopic method. // J. Nat. Rubber. Res. – 1989. - №4. – Р. 204-211.
9 Cornish K. Similarities and differences in rubber biochemistry among plant species. // Phytochemistry. - 2001. - №57. – Р. 1123–1134.
10 Wood D.F., Cornish K. Microstructure of purified rubber particles. Int. //J. Plant Sci. – 2000. - №161. – Р. 435–445.
11 Siler D.J., Goodrich-Tanrikulu M., Cornish K., Stafford A.E., McKeon T.A. Composition of rubber particles of Hevea brasiliensis, Parthenium argentatum, Ficus elastica, and Euphorbia lactiflua indicates unconventional surface structure // Plant Physiol. Biochem. – 1997. - №35. – Р. 881–889.
12 Cornish K. The separate roles of plant cis and trans prenyl transferases in cis-1, 4-polyisoprene biosynthesis. // Eur. J. Biochem. - 1993. - №218. - Р. 267–271.
13 Tang C, Xiao X, Li H, Fan Y, Yang J, Qi J, Li H. Comparative Analysis of Latex Transcriptome Reveals Putative Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Super Productivity of Hevea brasiliensis // PLoS ONE. – 2013. - №8(9), doi:10.1371. – Р. e75307.
14 Chow K.S., Isa M.N., Bahari A., Ghazali A.K., Alias H., Zainuddin Z.M., Hoh C.C., Wan K.L. Metabolic routes affecting rubber biosynthesis in Hevea brasiliensis latex // J. Exp. Bot. – 2012. - №58. – Р. 2429–2440.
15 Rojruthai P., Sakdapipanich J.T., Takahashi S., Hyegin L., Noike M., Koyama T., Tanaka Y. In vitro synthesis of high molecular weight rubber by Hevea small rubber particles. //J. Biosci. Bioeng. - 2010. - №109. – Р. 107–114.
16 Schmidt T., Lenders M., Hillebrand A., van Deenen N., Munt O., Reichelt R. Eizenreich W., Fisher R., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Characterization of rubber particles and rubber chain elongation in Taraxacum koksaghyz // BMC Biochem. – 2010. - №11. – Р. 11.
17 Hillebrand A., Post J.J., Wurbs D., Wahler D., Lenders M., Krzyzanek V. Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Down-regulation of small rubber particle protein expression affects integrity of rubber particles and rubber content in Taraxacum brevicorniculatum. // PLoS One. – 2012. - №7. – Р. e41874.
18 Cornish K., Castillón J., Scott D.J. Rubber molecular weight regulation, in vitro, in plant species that produce high and low molecular weights in vivo. // Biomacromolecules. – 2000. - №1. – Р. 632–641.
19 Collins-Silva J., Nural A.T., Skaggs A., Scott D., Hathwaik U., Woolsey R., Schegg K., McMahan C., Whalen M., Cornish, K., Shintani D. Altered levels of the Taraxacum kok-saghyz (Russian dandelion) small rubber particle protein, TkSRPP3, result in qualitative and quantitative changes in rubber metabolism // Phytochemistry. – 2012. - №79. – Р. 46–56.
20 Asawatreratanakul K., Zhang Y.-W., Wititsuwannakul D., Wititsuwannakul R., Takahashil S., Rattanapittayaporn A., Koyama T. Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of cDNA encoding cisprenyltransferases from Hevea brasiliensis. A key factor participating in natural rubber biosynthesis // Eur. J. Biochem. - 2003. - №270. – Р. 4671–4680.
21 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman RM., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum // Plant Physiol. - 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
22 Kirschner J., Ŝtěpȃnek J., Ĉerný T., De Heer P., van Dijk P.J. Available ex situ germplasm of the potential rubber crop Taraxacum koksaghyz belongs to a poor rubber producer, T. brevicorniculatum (Compositae-Crepidinae). Genet Resour // Crop. Evol. – 2012. - DOI: 10.1007/s10722-012-9848-0.
23 Oh S.K., Kang H., Shin D.H., Yang J., Chow K.-S., Hoong Yeet Yeang H.Y., Wagner B., Breiteneder H., Kyung-Hwan Han K.H. Isolation, Characterization, and Functional Analysis of a Novel cDNA Clone Encoding a Small Rubber Particle Protein from Hevea brasiliensis. //J. Biol. Chem. – 1999. - № 274. – Р. 17132–17138.
24 Kim I.J., Ryu S.B., Kwak Y.S., Kang H. A novel cDNA from Parthenium argentatum Gray enhances the rubber biosynthetic activity in vitro. // J. Exp. Bot. - 2004. - № 55. – Р. 377–385.
25 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman R.M., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum.// Plant Physiol. – 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
26 Schmidt T., Lenders M., Hillebrand A., van Deenen N., Munt O., Reichelt R. Eizenreich W., Fisher R., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Characterization of rubber particles and rubber chain elongation in Taraxacum koksaghyz // BMC Biochem. – 2010. - №11. – Р. 11.
27 Boguspaev K.K., Turasheva S.K., Faleev D.G., Amangul, Aksambaeva A.S. Introduction of wild rubber plants Tau-saghys (Scorzonera tau-saghys) in vitro culture. // VII International Congress Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development. - Moscow, 2013. - P. 111.
28 Dennis M.S., Light D.R. Rubber elongation factor from Hevea brasiliensis // J. Biol. Chem. – 1989. - № 264. – Р. 18608–1861.
29 Oh S.K., Kang H., Shin D.H., Yang J., Chow K.-S., Hoong Yeet Yeang H.Y., Wagner B., Breiteneder H., Kyung-Hwan Han K.H. Isolation, Characterization, and Functional Analysis of a Novel cDNA Clone Encoding a Small Rubber Particle Protein from Hevea brasiliensis. //J. Biol. Chem. – 1999. - № 274. – Р. 17132–17138.
30 Kim I.J., Ryu S.B., Kwak Y.S., Kang H. A novel cDNA from Parthenium argentatum Gray enhances the rubber biosynthetic activity in vitro. // J. Exp. Bot. - 2004. - № 55. – Р. 377–385.
31 Post J., van Deenen N., Fricke J., Kowalski N., Wurbs D., Schaller H., Eizenreich W., Huber C., Twyman R.M., Prüfer D., Gronover S.C. Laticifer-specific cis-prenyltransferase silencing affects the rubber, triterpene, and inulin content of Taraxacum brevicorniculatum.// Plant Physiol. – 2012. - №158. – Р. 1406–1417.
32 Rounsley S.D., Last R.L. Shotguns and SNPs: how fast and cheap sequencing is revolutionizing plant biology. // Plant J. – 2010. - №61. – Р. 922-927.
33 Portnoy V., Diber A., Pollock S., Karchi H., Lev S., Tzuri G., Harel-Beja R., Forer R., Portnoy V.H., Lewinsohn E., Tadmor Y., Burger J., Schaffer A., Karzir N. Use of non-normalized, non-amplified cDNA for 454-based RNA sequencing of fleshy melon fruit.// Plant Gen. - 2011. - №4. – Р. 36-46.
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32 Rounsley S.D., Last R.L. Shotguns and SNPs: how fast and cheap sequencing is revolutionizing plant biology. // Plant J. – 2010. - №61. – Р. 922-927.
33 Portnoy V., Diber A., Pollock S., Karchi H., Lev S., Tzuri G., Harel-Beja R., Forer R., Portnoy V.H., Lewinsohn E., Tadmor Y., Burger J., Schaffer A., Karzir N. Use of non-normalized, non-amplified cDNA for 454-based RNA sequencing of fleshy melon fruit.// Plant Gen. - 2011. - №4. – Р. 36-46.
How to Cite
Boguspaev, K. K., Portnoy, V., Faleev, D. G., Kasymbekov, B. K., & Turasheva, S. K. (2016). Tau-saghyz (Scorzonera tau-saghyz Lipsch. Et GG Bose) an alternative source of natural rubber. Experimental Biology, 65(3), 322–331. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/1134