The biological method of increasing the fertility of soils
soil, secondary salinization, cellulolytic bacteria, solid-state fermentation, waste rice.Abstract
At the present time, in Kazakhstan there is an environmental problem - salinization of soils. One way to restore the fertility of saline soils is the development and application of biomeliorants based on plant waste. Application biomeliorants improves soil structure, reduces salinity and activates the microbial soil processes. The new biological method to increase the fertility of second-saline soils by applying new biomeliorant obtained by cellulolytic bacteria was developed. Application of the method leads to the activation of soil microbial processes, creates conditions for the transit of salt removal of soluble compounds, toxic effects on the development of rice plants, and normalizes the pH of saline soil, which contributes to a substantial desalination of the soil, improving its fertility and creates favorable conditions for the development of plants. This rice yield increased by 1.7 times compared to the control.References
Список литературы
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1. Lopatovskaja O. G., Sugachenko A. A. Soil melioration. Saline soils. - Irkutsk: IGU. - 2010. - 101 p.
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10. Novikova A.V. Studies of saline and alkaline soils: the genesis, land reclamation, environment. Selected works Kharkov: NSC. Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry named after AN Sokolovsky. - 2009. - 720 p.
11. Tolchenov A.A., Zubov D.V., Sergeeva A.V. Software Systems: Theory and Applications. Pereslavl .: Science. - 2009. - 216 p.
12. Mandels M., Weber W. The production of cellulose // Adv. Chem. Ser. - 1996. - Vol. -112. - P. 395-434.
13. The new directory Chemist and technologist. Raw materials and products of industrial organic and inorganic substances. SPb .: NGO Professional. - 2006.-1142 p.
14. Looky N.A., Tashchilin V.A. Zootechnical analysis of the feed. - M .: Nauka. -2008. - P.106-120.
15. Ushakov N.A,, Brodsky E.S., Kozlov A.A., Nifotov A.V. Anaerobic fermentation of plant substrates using Bacillus subtilis 8130 // Applied. Biochem. and Microbiology. - 2009 - T.45, №1. - P. 70-77.
1. Лопатовская О. Г., Сугаченко А. А. Мелиорация почв. Засоленные почвы.- Иркутск: ИГУ. - 2010. - 101 с.
4. Новикова А.В. Засоленные почвы, их распространение в мире, окультуривание и вопросы экологии. Харьков.: ХНАУ. - 2004.-120 с.
5. Рекс Л.М. Системные исследования мелиоративных процессов и систем. М.: Алан. - 2005. - 97 с.
6. Аверьянов С.Ф. Борьба с засолением орошаемых земель. - М.: Колос. - 2008. - 43 с.
7. Добровольский Г.В., Васильевская В.Д., Зайдельман Ф.Р., Звягинцев Д.Г. и др. Факторы и виды деградации почв // Деградация и охрана почв. - М.: Мир. - 2002. - С. 33-60.
8. Зайдельман Ф.Р. Мелиорация почв. - М.: МГУ. - 2006. - 87 с.
9. Камара К. Х., Куст Г.С. Современное состояние и развитие почв и ландшафтов дельтовых территорий района Сентла (Штат Табаско, Мексика). // Почвоведение. - 2006.- №10. - С. 41-48.
10. Новикова А.В. Исследования засоленных и солонцовых почв: генезис, мелиорация, экология. Избранные труды Харьков: ННЦ «Институт почвоведения и агрохимии имени А.Н. Соколовского», 2009. - 720 с.
11. Толченов А. А., Зубов Д. В., Сергеева А. В. Программные системы: теория и приложения. Переславль-Залесский.: Наука. - 2009. - 216 с.
12. Mandels M., Weber W. The production of cellulose // Adv. Chem. Ser. - 1996 . - Vol. -112 . - P. 395-434 .
13. Новый справочник химика и технолога. Сырье и продукты промышленности органических и неорганических веществ. - СПб.: НПО Профессионал.- 2006.-1142 с.
14. Лукашик Н.А., Тащилин В.А. Зоотехнический анализ кормов. - М.: Наука. -2008. - С.106-120.
15. Ушаков Н.А., Бродский Е.С., Козлов А.А., Нифотов. А.В. Анаэробная ферментация растительных субстратов с использованием Bacillus subtilis 8130 // Прикл. биох. и микробиол. - 2009. - Т.45, №1. - С. 70-77.
1. Lopatovskaja O. G., Sugachenko A. A. Soil melioration. Saline soils. - Irkutsk: IGU. - 2010. - 101 p.
4. Novikova A.V. Saline soils and their distribution in the world, cultivation and environmental issues. Kharkiv .: HNAU. - 2004. -120 p.
5. Rex L. System research of reclamation processes and systems. M .: Alan. - 2005. - 97 p.
6. Averyanov S.F. The fight against salinization of irrigated land. - M .: Kolos. – 2008. – 43 p.
7. Dobrovolsky G.V., Vasilyevskaya V.D., Zaydelman F.R., Zvyagintsev D.G. et al. Factors and types of soil degradation // degradation and soil protection. - M .: Mir. - 2002. - P. 33-60.
8. Zaydelman F.R . Soil melioration. - M .: MGU. - 2006. - 87 p.
9. Camara K.H., Bush G.S. The current state and development of soils and landscapes deltaic area Sentla territories (Tabasco, Mexico). // Soil science. - 2006. - №10. - P. 41-48.
10. Novikova A.V. Studies of saline and alkaline soils: the genesis, land reclamation, environment. Selected works Kharkov: NSC. Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry named after AN Sokolovsky. - 2009. - 720 p.
11. Tolchenov A.A., Zubov D.V., Sergeeva A.V. Software Systems: Theory and Applications. Pereslavl .: Science. - 2009. - 216 p.
12. Mandels M., Weber W. The production of cellulose // Adv. Chem. Ser. - 1996. - Vol. -112. - P. 395-434.
13. The new directory Chemist and technologist. Raw materials and products of industrial organic and inorganic substances. SPb .: NGO Professional. - 2006.-1142 p.
14. Looky N.A., Tashchilin V.A. Zootechnical analysis of the feed. - M .: Nauka. -2008. - P.106-120.
15. Ushakov N.A,, Brodsky E.S., Kozlov A.A., Nifotov A.V. Anaerobic fermentation of plant substrates using Bacillus subtilis 8130 // Applied. Biochem. and Microbiology. - 2009 - T.45, №1. - P. 70-77.
How to Cite
Smirnova, I. E., Sadanov, A. K., & Dzhamantikov, H. D. (2016). The biological method of increasing the fertility of soils. Experimental Biology, 65(3), 236–241. Retrieved from