Role of field and professional practice in formation competitive professionals with high intellectual potential
Fish industry and commercial industry” specialty professional practice, ichthyology, Hydrobiology, student, professional technician, manufacturing practices, pre-diploma practice, research and practice, biological analysis, morphological analysis,Abstract
Educational, industrial and diploma practices given in fish breeding farms are very important for professional establishment of “6М080400 – Fish industry and commercial industry” specialty students. During the practices students have got methods of fish investigation and obtain necessary knowledge for degree diploma doing.References
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3 Нұрғазы Қ.Ш., Асылбекова А.С., Кегенова Г.Б. Ӛнеркәсіптік балық аулау негіздері. Оқулық. – Алматы. – 2013. – 400 б.
How to Cite
Sapargalieva, N., Kegenova, G., Eszhanov, B., Satybaldiyeva, G., Kozhabaeva, E., Ormanova, G., Kan, O., Baimurzaev, N., & Sharahmetov, S. (2015). Role of field and professional practice in formation competitive professionals with high intellectual potential. Experimental Biology, 60(1), 266–269. Retrieved from
Training of Specialists in System Biology