Materials to the flora of the Ile-Alatau National Park: higher sporous and gymnosperms


  • A. A. Ivaschenko Иле-Алатауский государственный национальный природный парк Республики Казахстан, пос. Таусамалы, Алматинская обл.
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семейство, род, вид, тип ареала, гербарный образец.


The author gives a critical analysis of the flora of higher spore (Equisetophyta, Polypodiophуta) and gymnosperms (Pinophуta) plants of Ile-Alatau National Park based on their many years of research and analysis of literature sources and herbarium collections of other authors. A complete list of these plants including 25 species and one form from 15 genera and 10 families are found in the article. Data on life form, the type of habitat, distribution in the territory, taking into account the altitude range of habitats, as well as the degree of generality or rarity are specified for each species. Data of herbarium specimens collected by other authors on the investigated territory, are given as evidential material. Two categories of plants - non-native plants and rare are highlighted as a result of a brief analysis of the flora of the investigated group. Four species (Picea abies (L.) Karst., Larix sibirica Ledeb., Pinus sylvestris L., Abies sibirica Ledeb.), introduced by employees of forestry over half a century ago, belong to the first group, the North Tien Shan endemic Cystopteris almaatensis Kotuch. and Picea schrenkiana f.prostrata K.Isakov (prostrate (or shrubby) form of spruce Schrenk listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan) belong to the second group.

Author Biography

A. A. Ivaschenko, Иле-Алатауский государственный национальный природный парк Республики Казахстан, пос. Таусамалы, Алматинская обл.

Иващенко А.А. к.б.н., СНС Иле-Алтауского государственного национального природного парка



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How to Cite

Ivaschenko, A. A. (2016). Materials to the flora of the Ile-Alatau National Park: higher sporous and gymnosperms. Experimental Biology, 64(2), 28–35. Retrieved from