Характеристики взаимодействия miR-1322 c mRNA генов, участвующих в развитии рака молочной железы


  • D. Aisina Научно-исследовательского института проблем биологии и биотехнологии Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • E. Imyanitov Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр онкологии имени Н.Н. Петрова, Санкт-Петербург , Россия
  • A. Ivashchenko Научно-исследовательский институт проблем биологии и биотехнологии Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы
        62 35

Ключевые слова:

miR-1322; mRNA; онкогенез; рак молочной железы; ортологичные гены.


Работа посвящена нахождению сайтов связывания miR-1322 в mRNA кандидатных генов AFF3, AR, ARID3B, E2F4, NCOA3, NCOR2, SMARCA2, участвующих в развитии рака молочной железы. В mRNA гена AFF3 человека выявлены два полисайта связывания miR-1322 кодирующих полисерины. Три полисайта связывания miR-1322 в mRNA гена AR кодировали полиглутамины. Два полисайта связывания miR-1322 в mRNA гена ARID3B человека кодировали два полиглутамина. mRNA ортологичных генов NCOA3 содержала от 10 до 15 сайтов связывания  miR-1322. Сайты связывания mir-1322 c mRNA гена E2F4 кодировали полисерин. mRNA ортологичных генов NCOA3 содержала от 10 до 15 сайтов связывания miR-1322. Ортологичные гены NCOR2 кодировали полиглутамин, характеристики взаимодействия mir-1322 c mRNA были близки. Все сайты связывания miR-1322 с mRNA гена SMARCA2 кодировали полиглутамин и имели одинаковые характеристики взаимодействия. Все полисайты связывания miR-1322 в mRNA всех ортологичных генов были фланкированы консервативными нуклеотидными последовательностями. Характеристики связывания miR-1322 с mRNA всех ортологичных генов были близкими. miR-1322 вместе с этими генами можно использовать в качестве маркеров для ранней диагностики рака молочной железы и других онкологических заболеваний.

Биографии авторов

D. Aisina, Научно-исследовательского института проблем биологии и биотехнологии Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы

студент PhD-докторантуры, стажер-исследователь Научно-исследовательского института проблем биологии и биотехнологии Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы

E. Imyanitov, Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр онкологии имени Н.Н. Петрова, Санкт-Петербург , Россия

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, член-корр. РАН, заведующий отдела биологии опухолевого роста Национального медицинского исследовательского центра онкологии имени Н.Н. Петрова, Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург

Библиографические ссылки

1 Akhavantabasi S, Sapmaz A, Tuna S, Erson-Bensan AE. miR-125b targets ARID3B in breast cancer cells // Cell Struct Funct. - 2012. - Vol. 37, No 1. - P. 27-38.
2 Ao X, Nie P, Wu B, Xu W, Zhang T, Wang S, Chang H, Zou Z. Decreased expression of microRNA-17 and microRNA-20b promotes breast cancer resistance to taxol therapy by upregulation of NCOA3 // Cell Death Dis. - 2016. - Vol. 7, No 11. - P. e2463. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.367.
3 Atambayeva S, Niyazova R, Ivashchenko A, Pyrkova A, Pinsky I, Akimniyazova A, Labeit S. The Binding Sites of miR-619-5p in the mRNAs of Human and Orthologous Genes // BMC Genomics. - 2017. - Vol. 18, No. 1. - P. 428. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3811-6.
4 Barton VN, D'Amato NC, Gordon MA, Christenson JL, Elias A, Richer JK.Androgen Receptor Biology in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: a Case for Classification as AR+ or Quadruple Negative Disease // Horm Cancer. - 2015. - Vol. 6, No. 5-6. - P. 206-13. doi: 10.1007/s12672-015-0232-3. Epub 2015 Jul 23. Review.
5 Bertucci F, Finetti P, Birnbaum D. The E2F4 prognostic signature is also predictive of the pathological response of breast cancer to chemotherapy // Breast Cancer Res. - 2015. - Vol. 17. - P. 54. doi: 10.1186/s13058-015-0559-2.
6 Blackmore JK, Karmakar S, Gu G, Chaubal V, Wang L, Li W, Smith CL. The SMRT coregulator enhances growth of estrogen receptor-α-positive breast cancer cells by promotion of cell cycle progression and inhibition of apoptosis // Endocrinology. - 2014. - Vol. 155, No. 9. - P. 3251-61. doi: 10.1210/en.2014-1002.
7 Burwinkel B, Wirtenberger M, Klaes R, Schmutzler RK, Grzybowska E, Försti A, Frank B, Bermejo JL, Bugert P, Wappenschmidt B, Butkiewicz D, Pamula J, Pekala W, Zientek H, Mielzynska D, Siwinska E, Bartram CR, Hemminki K. Association of NCOA3 polymorphisms with breast cancer risk // Clin Cancer Res. - 2005. - Vol. 11, No. 6. - P. 2169-74.
8 Chen Y, Wang X, Wang G, Li Z, Wang J, Huang L, Qin Z, Yuan X, Cheng Z, Zhang S, Yin Y, He J. Integrating multiple omics data for the discovery of potential Beclin-1 interactions in breast cancer // Mol Biosyst. - 2017. - Vol. 13, No. 5. - P. 991-999. DOI: 10.1039/c6mb00653a.
9 Fujii T, Reuben JM, Huo L, Espinosa Fernandez JR, Gong Y, Krupa R, Suraneni MV, Graf RP, Lee J, Greene S, Rodriguez A, Dugan L, Louw J, Lim B, Barcenas CH, Marx AN, Tripathy D, Wang Y, Landers M, Dittamore R, Ueno NT. Androgen receptor expression on circulating tumor cells in metastatic breast cancer // PLoS One. - 2017. - Vol. 12, No. 9. - P. e0185231. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185231
10 González-Hernández A, Henríquez-Hernández LA, Cabrera de León A, Rodríguez-Pérez Mdel C, Murias-Rosales A, Domínguez-Coello S, Brito-Díaz B, Almeida-González D, Aguirre-Jaime A, Díaz-Chico BN. Microsatellite polymorphisms in the EGFR, NOTCH4 and E2F4 genes and their association with breast cancer risk // Int J Biol Markers. - 2012. - Vol. 27, No. 3. - P. e219-26. doi: 10.5301/JBM.2012.9583.
11 Herpel E, Rieker RJ, Dienemann H, Muley T, Meister M, Hartmann A, Warth A, Agaimy A. SMARCA4 and SMARCA2 deficiency in non-small cell lung cancer: immunohistochemical survey of 316 consecutive specimens // Ann Diagn Pathol. - 2017. - Vol. 26. - P. 47-51. doi: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2016.10.006
12 Ivashchenko A, Berillo O, Pyrkova A, Niyazova R, Atambayeva Sh. MiR-3960 binding sites with mRNA of human genes // Bioinformation. - 2014. - Vol. 10, No. 7. - P. 423-427.
13 Ivashchenko A, Berillo O, Pyrkova A, Niyazova R, Atambayeva Sh. The properties of binding sites of miR-619-5p, miR-5095, miR-5096 and miR-5585-3p in the mRNAs of human genes // Biomed Research International. - 2014. - Vol. 2014. - P. e8.
14 Ivashchenko A, Berillo O, Pyrkova A, Niyazova R. Binding Sites of miR-1273 Family on the mRNA of Target Genes // Biomed Research International. - 2014. - Vol. 2014. - P. e11.
15 Jiang Y, Chen J, Wu J, Hu Z, Qin Z, Liu X, Guan X, Wang Y, Han J, Jiang T, Jin G, Zhang M, Ma H, Wang S, Shen H. Evaluation of genetic variants in microRNA biosynthesis genes and risk of breast cancer in Chinese women // Int J Cancer. - 2013. - Vol. 133, No. 9. - P. 2216-24. DOI: 10.1002/ijc.28237
16 Khaleel SS, Andrews EH, Ung M, DiRenzo J, Cheng Ch. E2F4 regulatory program predicts patient survival prognosis in breast cancer // Breast Cancer Res. - 2014. - Vol. 16. - P. 486. DOI: 10.1186/s13058-014-0486-7
17 Lee K, Lee A, Song BJ, Kang CS. Expression of AIB1 protein as a prognostic factor in breast cancer // World J Surg Oncol. - 2011. - Vol. 9. - P. 139. doi: 10.1186/1477-7819-9-139.
18 Li HL, Song J, Yong HM, Hou PF, Chen YS, Song WB, Bai J, Zheng JN. PinX1: structure, regulation and its functions in cancer // Oncotarget. - 2016. - Vol. 7, No. 40. - P. 66267-66275. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.11411.
19 MacFarlane LA, Murphy PR. MicroRNA: Biogenesis, Function and Role in Cancer // Curr Genomics. - 2010. - Vol .11, No. 7. - P. 537-561. DOI: 10.2174/138920210793175895
20 Niyazova R, Berillo O, Atambayeva Sh, Pyrkova A, Alybaeva A, Ivashchenko A. miR-1322 Binding Sites in Paralogous and Orthologous Genes // Biomed Research International. - 2015. - Vol. 2015. - P. 1-7.
21 Payandeh M, Shazad B, Madani S, Ramezani M, Sadeghi M. Androgen Receptor Expression and its Correlation with Other Risk Factors in Triple Negative Breast Cancers: a Report from Western Iran // Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. - 2016. - Vol. 17, No. 7. - P. 3321-4.
22 Shi M, Cao M, Song J, Liu Q, Li H, Meng F, Pan Z, Bai J, Zheng J. PinX1 inhibits the invasion and metastasis of human breast cancer via suppressing NF-κB/MMP-9 signaling pathway // Mol Cancer. - 2015. - Vol. 14. - P. 66. DOI: 10.1186/s12943-015-0332-2
23 Shi R, Zhou JY, Zhou H, Zhao Z, Liang SH, Zheng WL, Ma WL. The role of PinX1 in growth control of breast cancer cells and its potential molecular mechanism by mRNA and lncRNA expression profiles screening // Biomed Res Int. - 2014. - Vol. 2014. - P. 978984. DOI: 10.1155/2014/978984
24 Smith CL, Migliaccio I, Chaubal V, Wu MF, Pace MC, Hartmaier R, Jiang S, Edwards DP, Gutiérrez MC, Hilsenbeck SG, Oesterreich S. Elevated nuclear expression of the SMRT corepressor in breast cancer is associated with earlier tumor recurrence // Breast Cancer Res Treat. - 2012. - Vol. 136, No. 1. - P. 253-65. doi: 10.1007/s10549-012-2262-7.
25 Tian XP, Jin XH, Li M, Huang WJ, Xie D, Zhang JX. The depletion of PinX1 involved in the tumorigenesis of non-small cell lung cancer promotes cell proliferation via p15/cyclin D1 pathway // Mol Cancer. - 2017. - Vol. 16, No. 1. - P. 74. DOI: 10.1186/s12943-017-0637-4
26 von der Heyde S, Wagner S, Czerny A, Nietert M, Ludewig F, Salinas-Riester G, Arlt D, Beißbarth T. mRNA profiling reveals determinants of trastuzumab efficiency in HER2-positive breast cancer // PLoS One. - 2015. - Vol. 10, No. 2. - P. e0117818. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117818.
27 Wagner M, Koslowski M, Paret C, Schmidt M, Türeci O, Sahin U. NCOA3 is a selective co-activator of estrogen receptor α-mediated transactivation of PLAC1 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells // BMC Cancer. - 2013. - Vol. 13. - P. 570. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-13-570.
28 Wang S, Zhang H, Zhu J, Li C, Zhu J, Shi B, Zhang B, Wang C. PinX1 Is a Potential Prognostic Factor for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer and Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Migration // Biomed Res Int. - 2017. - Vol. 2017. - P. 7956437. DOI: 10.1155/2017/7956437
29 Wargon V, Riggio M, Giulianelli S, Sequeira GR, Rojas P, May M, Polo ML, Gorostiaga MA, Jacobsen B, Molinolo A, Novaro V, Lanari C. Progestin and antiprogestin responsiveness in breast cancer is driven by the PRA/PRB ratio via AIB1 or SMRT recruitment to the CCND1 and MYC promoters // Int J Cancer. - 2015. - Vol. 136, No. 11. - P. 2680-92. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29304
30 Wu Q, Madany P, Akech J, Dobson JR, Douthwright S, Browne G, Colby JL, Winter GE, Bradner JE, Pratap J, Sluder G, Bhargava R, Chiosea SI, van Wijnen AJ, Stein JL, Stein GS, Lian JB, Nickerson JA, Imbalzano AN. The SWI/SNF ATPases Are Required for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation // J Cell Physiol. - 2015. - Vol. 230, No. 11. - P. 2683-94. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24991.


1 Akhavantabasi S, Sapmaz A, Tuna S, Erson-Bensan AE. (2012) miR-125b targets ARID3B in breast cancer cells, Cell Struct Funct., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 27-38.
2 Ao X, Nie P, Wu B, Xu W, Zhang T, Wang S, Chang H, Zou Z. (2016) Decreased expression of microRNA-17 and microRNA-20b promotes breast cancer resistance to taxol therapy by upregulation of NCOA3, Cell Death Dis., vol. 7, no. 11, pp. e2463. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.367.
3 Atambayeva S, Niyazova R, Ivashchenko A, Pyrkova A, Pinsky I, Akimniyazova A, Labeit S. (2017) The Binding Sites of miR-619-5p in the mRNAs of Human and Orthologous Genes, BMC Genomics, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 428. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3811-6.
4 Barton VN, D'Amato NC, Gordon MA, Christenson JL, Elias A, Richer JK. (2015) Androgen Receptor Biology in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: a Case for Classification as AR+ or Quadruple Negative Disease, Horm Cancer, vol. 6, no. 5-6, pp. 206-13. doi: 10.1007/s12672-015-0232-3. Epub 2015 Jul 23. Review.
5 Bertucci F, Finetti P, Birnbaum D. (2015) The E2F4 prognostic signature is also predictive of the pathological response of breast cancer to chemotherapy, Breast Cancer Res., vol. 17, p. 54. doi: 10.1186/s13058-015-0559-2.
6 Blackmore JK, Karmakar S, Gu G, Chaubal V, Wang L, Li W, Smith CL. (2014) The SMRT coregulator enhances growth of estrogen receptor-α-positive breast cancer cells by promotion of cell cycle progression and inhibition of apoptosis, Endocrinology, vol. 155, no. 9, pp. 3251-61. doi: 10.1210/en.2014-1002.
7 Burwinkel B, Wirtenberger M, Klaes R, Schmutzler RK, Grzybowska E, Försti A, Frank B, Bermejo JL, Bugert P, Wappenschmidt B, Butkiewicz D, Pamula J, Pekala W, Zientek H, Mielzynska D, Siwinska E, Bartram CR, Hemminki K. (2005) Association of NCOA3 polymorphisms with breast cancer risk, Clin Cancer Res., vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 2169-74.
8 Chen Y, Wang X, Wang G, Li Z, Wang J, Huang L, Qin Z, Yuan X, Cheng Z, Zhang S, Yin Y, He J. (2017) Integrating multiple omics data for the discovery of potential Beclin-1 interactions in breast cancer, Mol Biosyst., vol.13, no. 5, pp. 991-999. DOI: 10.1039/c6mb00653a.
9 Fujii T, Reuben JM, Huo L, Espinosa Fernandez JR, Gong Y, Krupa R, Suraneni MV, Graf RP, Lee J, Greene S, Rodriguez A, Dugan L, Louw J, Lim B, Barcenas CH, Marx AN, Tripathy D, Wang Y, Landers M, Dittamore R, Ueno NT. (2017) Androgen receptor expression on circulating tumor cells in metastatic breast cancer, PLoS One, vol. 12, no. 9, p. e0185231. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185231
10 González-Hernández A, Henríquez-Hernández LA, Cabrera de León A, Rodríguez-Pérez Mdel C, Murias-Rosales A, Domínguez-Coello S, Brito-Díaz B, Almeida-González D, Aguirre-Jaime A, Díaz-Chico BN. (2012) Microsatellite polymorphisms in the EGFR, NOTCH4 and E2F4 genes and their association with breast cancer risk, Int J Biol Markers, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. e219-26. doi: 10.5301/JBM.2012.9583.
11 Herpel E, Rieker RJ, Dienemann H, Muley T, Meister M, Hartmann A, Warth A, Agaimy A. (2017) SMARCA4 and SMARCA2 deficiency in non-small cell lung cancer: immunohistochemical survey of 316 consecutive specimens, Ann Diagn Pathol., vol. 26, pp. 47-51. doi: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2016.10.006
12 Ivashchenko A, Berillo O, Pyrkova A, Niyazova R, Atambayeva Sh. (2014) MiR-3960 binding sites with mRNA of human genes, Bioinformation, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 423-427.
13 Ivashchenko A, Berillo O, Pyrkova A, Niyazova R, Atambayeva Sh. (2014) The properties of binding sites of miR-619-5p, miR-5095, miR-5096 and miR-5585-3p in the mRNAs of human genes, Biomed Research International, vol. 2014, pp. e8.
14 Ivashchenko A, Berillo O, Pyrkova A, Niyazova R. (2014) Binding Sites of miR-1273 Family on the mRNA of Target Genes , Biomed Research International, vol. 2014, pp. e11.
15 Jiang Y, Chen J, Wu J, Hu Z, Qin Z, Liu X, Guan X, Wang Y, Han J, Jiang T, Jin G, Zhang M, Ma H, Wang S, Shen H. (2013) Evaluation of genetic variants in microRNA biosynthesis genes and risk of breast cancer in Chinese women, Int J Cancer, vol. 133, no. 9, pp. 2216-24. DOI: 10.1002/ijc.28237
16 Khaleel SS, Andrews EH, Ung M, DiRenzo J, Cheng Ch. (2014) E2F4 regulatory program predicts patient survival prognosis in breast cancer, Breast Cancer Res., vol. 16, p. 486. DOI: 10.1186/s13058-014-0486-7
17 Lee K, Lee A, Song BJ, Kang CS. (2011) Expression of AIB1 protein as a prognostic factor in breast cancer, World J Surg Oncol., vol. 9, p. 139. doi: 10.1186/1477-7819-9-139.
18 Li HL, Song J, Yong HM, Hou PF, Chen YS, Song WB, Bai J, Zheng JN. (2016) PinX1: structure, regulation and its functions in cancer, Oncotarget, vol. 7, no. 40, pp. 66267-66275. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.11411.
19 MacFarlane LA, Murphy PR. (2010) MicroRNA: Biogenesis, Function and Role in Cancer, Curr Genomics, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 537-561. DOI: 10.2174/138920210793175895
20 Niyazova R, Berillo O, Atambayeva Sh, Pyrkova A, Alybaeva A, Ivashchenko A. (2015) miR-1322 Binding Sites in Paralogous and Orthologous Genes, Biomed Research International, vol. 2015, pp. 1-7.
21 Payandeh M, Shazad B, Madani S, Ramezani M, Sadeghi M. (2016) Androgen Receptor Expression and its Correlation with Other Risk Factors in Triple Negative Breast Cancers: a Report from Western Iran, Asian Pac J Cancer Prev., vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 3321-4.
22 Shi M, Cao M, Song J, Liu Q, Li H, Meng F, Pan Z, Bai J, Zheng J. (2015) PinX1 inhibits the invasion and metastasis of human breast cancer via suppressing NF-κB/MMP-9 signaling pathway, Mol Cancer., vol. 14, p. 66. DOI: 10.1186/s12943-015-0332-2
23 Shi R, Zhou JY, Zhou H, Zhao Z, Liang SH, Zheng WL, Ma WL. (2014) The role of PinX1 in growth control of breast cancer cells and its potential molecular mechanism by mRNA and lncRNA expression profiles screening, Biomed Res Int., vol. 2014, p. 978984. DOI: 10.1155/2014/978984
24 Smith CL, Migliaccio I, Chaubal V, Wu MF, Pace MC, Hartmaier R, Jiang S, Edwards DP, Gutiérrez MC, Hilsenbeck SG, Oesterreich S. (2012) Elevated nuclear expression of the SMRT corepressor in breast cancer is associated with earlier tumor recurrence, Breast Cancer Res Treat., vol. 136, no. 1, pp. 253-65. doi: 10.1007/s10549-012-2262-7.
25 Tian XP, Jin XH, Li M, Huang WJ, Xie D, Zhang JX. (2017) The depletion of PinX1 involved in the tumorigenesis of non-small cell lung cancer promotes cell proliferation via p15/cyclin D1 pathway, Mol Cancer, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 74. DOI: 10.1186/s12943-017-0637-4
26 von der Heyde S, Wagner S, Czerny A, Nietert M, Ludewig F, Salinas-Riester G, Arlt D, Beißbarth T. (2015) mRNA profiling reveals determinants of trastuzumab efficiency in HER2-positive breast cancer, PLoS One, vol. 10, no. 2, p. e0117818. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117818.
27 Wagner M, Koslowski M, Paret C, Schmidt M, Türeci O, Sahin U. (2013) NCOA3 is a selective co-activator of estrogen receptor α-mediated transactivation of PLAC1 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells, BMC Cancer, vol. 13, p. 570. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-13-570.
28 Wang S, Zhang H, Zhu J, Li C, Zhu J, Shi B, Zhang B, Wang C. (2017) PinX1 Is a Potential Prognostic Factor for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer and Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Migration, Biomed Res Int., vol. 2017, p. 7956437. DOI: 10.1155/2017/7956437
29 Wargon V, Riggio M, Giulianelli S, Sequeira GR, Rojas P, May M, Polo ML, Gorostiaga MA, Jacobsen B, Molinolo A, Novaro V, Lanari C. (2015) Progestin and antiprogestin responsiveness in breast cancer is driven by the PRA/PRB ratio via AIB1 or SMRT recruitment to the CCND1 and MYC promoters, Int J Cancer, vol. 136, no. 11, pp. 2680-92. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29304
30 Wu Q, Madany P, Akech J, Dobson JR, Douthwright S, Browne G, Colby JL, Winter GE, Bradner JE, Pratap J, Sluder G, Bhargava R, Chiosea SI, van Wijnen AJ, Stein JL, Stein GS, Lian JB, Nickerson JA, Imbalzano AN. (2015) The SWI/SNF ATPases Are Required for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation, J Cell Physiol., vol. 230, no. 11, pp. 2683-94. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24991.


Как цитировать

Aisina, D., Imyanitov, E., & Ivashchenko, A. (2017). Характеристики взаимодействия miR-1322 c mRNA генов, участвующих в развитии рака молочной железы. Вестник КазНУ. Серия биологическая, 72(3), 30–41. извлечено от https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/1277




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