Study of the microbiocenosis in sandy soil and rhizosphere sand plant of south Kazakhstan.


  • A. Kh. Khassenova Институт микробиология және вирусология КН МОН РК
  • M. A. Usekbaeva Институт микробиология және вирусология КН МОН РК
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arid zones, soil actinomycetes rhizosphere sand plants, total bacterial count, quantitative and qualitative composition of the soil.


A high level of actinomycetes presence was detected in the rhizosphere of sandy soils and sand plants in arid areas of South Kazakhstan. It is established that in a radical zone of plants the quantitative contents of actinomycetes is 2,5- 5,5 times more, than in the soil. The qualitative composition of actinomycetes in samples of sandy soils and plant root zone of sandy soils is quite diverse.


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How to Cite

Khassenova, A. K., & Usekbaeva, M. A. (2015). Study of the microbiocenosis in sandy soil and rhizosphere sand plant of south Kazakhstan. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 385–387. Retrieved from