Seаrсh of new myelostimulators among piperidine compounds


  • L. K. Baktybaeva Al –Faraby Kazakh National University
  • M. B. Dautova Al –Faraby Kazakh National University,
  • T. K. Iskakova A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences
  • V. K. U A.B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences,
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bi- and monocyclic piperidine derivatives, leucopoies, lymphopoies, myelopoies,


Studied the group of of chemical compounds, bi-and monocyclic piperidine derivatives in complexes with β-cyclodextrin under laboratory code BIV. The highest results were found to stimulate leucopoies compound BIV-69. Compounds BIV-68 and BIV-71 stimulated lymphopoiesis. Myelopoiesis stimulated compounds BIV-69 and BIV-71


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How to Cite

Baktybaeva, L. K., Dautova, M. B., Iskakova, T. K., & U, V. K. (2015). Seаrсh of new myelostimulators among piperidine compounds. Experimental Biology, 60(1), 71–74. Retrieved from