blue-green algae, Anabaenopsis, microalgae,Abstract
It is found that blue-green algae dicultures (A.laxa + Anabaenopsis sp. T1 strain and Anabaenopsis sp. T1 strain + Sph.Zetterstedtii) are characterized by high growth and accumulation of biomass compared to monocultures. It is supposed that this is connected with the occurrence of mutualistic relationships between species of microalgae.References
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How to Cite
Алмаганбетов, Ж. С., Джокебаева, С. А., Бейсембаева, Р. У., & Оразова, С. Б. (2017). КӨК-ЖАСЫЛ МИКРОБАЛДЫРЛАРДЫҢ МУТУАЛИСТІК ТИПТІ ДИКУЛЬТУРАЛАРЫН АЙҚЫНДАУ. Experimental Biology, 56(4), 137–140. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/360