Study physical and chemical properties of equine influenza virus
virus, equine influenza, physical-chemical factors, neuraminidase, hemagglutinin, antigenicity,Abstract
The given paper presents the results of studying an influence of physical-chemical factors upon biological activity and structure of equine influenza virus virions A/equine/Otar/764/07 (H3N8) allocated on the territory of Kazakhstan. Thus, influence of physical (impact on a virus of various temperatures, рН – media) and chemical (protease, lipidic solvents and detergents) factors had been studied in the process.References
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How to Cite
Tailakova, E. T., Chervyakova, O. V., Sultankulova, K. T., Zaitsev, V. L., & Sansyzbai, A. R. (2015). Study physical and chemical properties of equine influenza virus. Experimental Biology, 55(3), 111–117. Retrieved from