
  • Kh. S. Sarsembayev Almaty Technological University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • Yu. А. Sinyavskiy Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • Y. S. Ibraimov Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, Kazakhstan, Almaty

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mare’s milk, sports nutrition, swimming, antioxidant status.


Based on the high nutritional and biological value of mare’s milk, the uniqueness of its protein, fat,
vitamin and mineral compositions, the article provides information on the chemical composition of dry
mare’s milk obtained by freeze-drying. On the basis of dry mare’s milk, a recipe for sports nutrition has
been developed, including additional raw materials that increase not only the biological value of the
product, but also give it targeted medico-biological properties. antioxidants, polysaccharide-fucoidan,
dry wheat germ, dry cream). The product had a high nutritional and biological value and good organoleptic
On a swimming model, the effectiveness of the product was assessed on Wistar rats, who received
10 g of a specialized product in addition to the main semi-synthetic diet daily for 35 days.
The consumption of a specialized sports nutrition product by animals for 35 days increased the
endurance and performance of rats when swimming with a load. Compared with the initial data, the
swimming time of the animals in the experimental group increased 3.0 times, while the swimming time
in the control group exceeded the initial values only 1.5 times.
After a 35-day intake of the product against the background of a swimming load, a positive dynamics
was noted in the change in the parameters of the LPO-AOD system – a decrease in the level of malondialdehyde
and diene conjugates in the membranes of erythrocytes by 35.0 and 41.4%, respectively,
compared with control animals. A similar relationship was found for the mitochondrial fraction of skeletal
muscles. The obtained changes indicate a favorable effect of the product on endurance, performance
and the state of the antioxidant defense system, as well as the energy metabolism of laboratory animals.
Key words: mare’s milk, sports nutrition, swimming, antioxidant status.

Key words: mare’s milk, sports nutrition, swimming, antioxidant status.


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How to Cite

Sarsembayev, K. S., Sinyavskiy Y. А., & Ibraimov, Y. S. (2021). USE OF POWDERED MARE’S MILK IN THE PRODUCTION OF SPECIALIZED SPORTS NUTRITION PRODUCTS. Experimental Biology, 86(1), 78–87.