Modern macrozoobenthos of the Ilek river with the tributaries on the territory of Kazakhstan’s Aktobe region


  • O. V. Grishayeva
  • K. B. Kaliyeva
  • G. S. Yerekeyeva

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The relevance of studying macrozoobenthos of the arid Ilek River, which flows on the territory of Kazakhstan’s Aktobe region and is a tributary of the transboundary Ural River, is determined by the importance of the biodiversity conservation problem. The purpose of the work was to research the quantitative indicators, the taxonomic composition and the structure of the macrozoobenthos in the hydrological and hydrochemical conditions of the arid Ilek River with the tributaries in Kazakhstan’s Aktyubinsk region in the period of 2015-2017. The leading research methods included determining the frequency of occurrence of taxa, the abundance, biomass and the composition of the macrozoobenthos. The information indices of the dominance structure, diversity and the evenness of species were calculated. According to the results of the observations, the macrozoobenthos of water bodies and rivers had 24 taxa. Chironomidae dominated by the abundance and biomass. The relationship between the level of the biomass of macrozoobenthos and the mineralization of water was found. The practical importance of the information about the macrozoobenthos of the Ilek River can be reflected in its use for the fish food supply assessment, saprobity, anthropogenic influence, ecological analysis of the nature of Aktyubinsk region, for a complex assessment of the Ural River’s ecosystem. The study of the current state of the macrozoobenthos of the Ilek River with the tributaries on the territory of Aktyubinsk region was held in the framework of the grant of the the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 5004/GF4 «Assessment of the biodiversity status of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Kazakhstan’s reservoirs» in 2015-2017.

Key words: macrozoobenthos, biodiversity, dominance structure, habitat conditions, hydrochemical mode.


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How to Cite

Grishayeva, O. V., Kaliyeva, K. B., & Yerekeyeva, G. S. (2019). Modern macrozoobenthos of the Ilek river with the tributaries on the territory of Kazakhstan’s Aktobe region. Experimental Biology, 78(1), 116–127.