Dynamics of accumulation of lagochirzin in Lagochilus setulosus phytomass during the growing season and also features of its cultivation in the conditions of a typical sierozem


  • Zh. E. Aimenova M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Kazakhstan, Shymkent
  • I. E. Digel Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Julich
  • А. А. Eshibaev M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Kazakhstan, Shymkent
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L.setulosus is offered for creation of biopreparation «Setulin», possesing he- mostatic action, the basic reactant of biopreparation is diterpen – lagochirzin. Results under the maintenance and dynamics of diterpen lagochirzin accumula- tion in various parts of L.setulosus are presented: in roots, stalks, leaves, flowers and calyx lobes during the growing season, and also results on conditions of cultivation L.setulosus in the conditions of a typical sierozem are resulted. From the obtained data is visible, that the given species of a plant is endemic. It is established, that dynamics of accumulation of lagochirzin in phytomass accrues from the beginning to the middle of the growing season. The chemical analysis     of L.setulosus on a localization of lagochirzin in various organs of a plant, has shown, that the greatest quantity of lagochirzin collects in calyx lobes of the  plants. Also it is established, that L.setulosus can be cultivated  in  the  condi-  tions of the typical sierozem, a mineral food is necessary for the given species       of plants of Lagochilus genus, except nitric fertilizers. Comparative studying of wild-growing and cultural forms of L.setulosus has shown, that in the cultivated phytomass of plants the maintenance of lagochirzin on 17-20 % higher than in   the wild-growing species.


How to Cite

Aimenova, Z. E., Digel, I. E., & Eshibaev А. А. (2017). Dynamics of accumulation of lagochirzin in Lagochilus setulosus phytomass during the growing season and also features of its cultivation in the conditions of a typical sierozem. Experimental Biology, 69(4), 4–11. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/1232