soybean, drought-tolerant, anatomical and morphological characteristics, physiological symptoms, kseromorfizm.Abstract
Soybean plants use variousprocesses to cope with the drought stress and these processesregulates by a combination of factors. Plant stability to drought is very complex and involves interaction between various molecular, biochemical and physiological processes. These appliances include highly water absorbing roots, the development of more long taproot, which helps to reach the lower layers of soil, reducing evaporation from the surface organs by formation of smaller leaves, high efficiency of transpiration, adjustable partial closing of the stomata, the presence of hairs that protect from the list overheating and intense solar radiation. Soybeansvarieties admitted to using in Kazakhstan and advanced breeding lines of the Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and crop production were studiedby anatomical, morphological and physiological characteristics. These researches helpto select and allocatedrought-tolerant soybean varieties. The evaluation selected varieties or lines with high downy, a large number of stomata (Selecta 302,Bucuria, Voevodzhanka) and varieties with a high index of resistance to osmotic stress (Zen, Terek, Cheremosh).References
1 Sakai T., Kogiso M. Soyisofl avones and immunity// J. Med. Invest. - 2008. – Vol. 55. - P. 167-173.
2 Liener I.E. Implications of antinutritional components in soybean foods// Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. - 1994. - Vol. 34. - P. 31-67.
3 Ososki A.L., Kennelly E.J. Phytoestrogens: a review of the present state of research // Phytother. Res. - 2003. - Vol. - 17. - P. 84-86.
4 Pimentel D., Patzek T. Ethanol production using corn, switchgrass and wood; biodiesel production using soybean/ (Eds) Pimentel D. Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems. - 2008. - New York: Springer. - P. 373-394.
5 Burris R.H., Roberts G.P. Biological nitrogen fixation // Annu .Rev. Nutr. - 1993. - Vol.13. - P. 317-335.
6 Sharma K.K., Lavanya M. Recent developments in transgenics for abiotic stress in legumes of the semi-arid tropics // JIRCAS Working Report. - 2002. - P. 61-73.
7 Specht J.E., Hume D.J., Kumudini S.V. Soybean yield potential - a genetic and physiological perspective // Crop Sci. 1999. - Vol. 39. - P. 1560-1570.
8 Meckel L., Egli D.B., Phillips R.E., Radcliffe D., Leggett J.E. Effect of moisture stress on seed growth in soybeans // Agron . J. 1984. - Vol. 75. - P. 1027-1031.
9 Manavalan L.P., Guttikonda S.K., Tran L.S.P., Nguyen H.T. Physiological and molecular approaches to improve drought resistance in soybean // Plant and Cell Physiology. - 2009. - Vol. 50. № 7. - P. 1260-1276.
10 Turner N.C., Wright G.C., Siddique K.H.M. Adaptation of grain legumes (pulses) to water limited environments // Adv. Agron. - 2001. - Vol. 71. - P. 193-203.
11 Nguyen H.T., Babu R.C., Blum A. Breeding for drought resistance in rice: physiology and molecular genetics considerations // Crop Science. - 1997. - Vol.37. - P. 1426-1434.
12 Удовенко Г.В. Диагностика устойчивости растений к стрессовым воздействиям. Методическое руководство. Л.:ВИР, 1988, 226 с.
13 Balint A.F., Szira F, Borner A. Galiba G. Segregation – and vances// Biotechnol. Adv. - 2010. - Vol.28. P.169-183.
14 Baloch M.J., Dunwell J., Khakwani A.A., Dennet M., Jatoi W.A., Channa S.A. Assessment of wheat cultivars for drougt tolerance via osmotic stress imposed at carly seedling growth stages// J.Agric. Res. 2012. - Vol.50. - P.299 -310
15 Пермяков А. И. Микротехника, М., 1988.- С. 11-18, 28-29.
16 Прозина М.Н. Ботаническая микротехника, М., 1960.- 260 с.
1 Sakai T., Kogiso M. Soyisofl avones and immunity// J. Med. Invest. - 2008. - Vol.55. - P. 167-173.
2 Liener I.E. Implications of antinutritional components in soybean foods// Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. -1994. - Vol. 34. -P. 31-67.
3 Ososki A.L., Kennelly E.J. Phytoestrogens: a review of the present state of research // Phytother. Res. - 2003. - Vol. - 17. - P. 84-86.
4 Pimentel D., Patzek T. Ethanol production using corn, switchgrass and wood; biodiesel production using soybean/ (Eds) Pimentel D. Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems. - 2008. - New York: Springer. - P. 373-394.
5 Burris R.H., Roberts G.P. Biological nitrogen fixation // Annu .Rev. Nutr. - 1993. - Vol.13. - P. 317-335.
6 Sharma K.K., Lavanya M. Recent developments in transgenics for abiotic stress in legumes of the semi-arid tropics // JIRCAS Working Report. - 2002. - P. 61-73.
7 Specht J.E., Hume D.J., Kumudini S.V. Soybean yield potential - a genetic and physiological perspective // Crop Sci. 1999. - Vol. 39. - P. 1560-1570.
8 Meckel L., Egli D.B., Phillips R.E., Radcliffe D., Leggett J.E. Effect of moisture stress on seed growth in soybeans // Agron . J.1984. - Vol. 75. - P. 1027-1031.
9 Manavalan L.P., Guttikonda S.K., Tran L.S.P., Nguyen H.T. Physiological and molecular approaches to improve drought resistance in soybean // Plant and Cell Physiology. - 2009. - Vol.50. ¹ 7. - P. 1260-1276.
10 Turner N.C., Wright G.C., Siddique K.H.M. Adaptation of grain legumes (pulses) to water limited environments // Adv. Agron. - 2001. - Vol. 71. - P. 193-203.
11 Nguyen H.T., Babu R.C., Blum A. Breeding for drought resistance in rice: physiology and molecular genetics considerations // Crop Science. - 1997. - Vol.37. - P. 1426-1434.
12 Udovenko G.V. Diagnostika ustoichivosti rastenii k stressovym vozdeistviyam. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo. L.:VIR, 1988, 226 s.
13 Balint A.F., Szira F, Borner A. Galiba G. Segregation and vances// Biotechnol. Adv. - 2010. - Vol.28. P.169-183.
14 Baloch M.J., Dunwell J., Khakwani A.A., Dennet M., Jatoi W.A., Channa S.A. Assessment of wheat cultivars for drougt tolerance via osmotic stress imposed at carly seedling growth stages// J.Agric. Res. 2012. - Vol.50. - P.299 -310
15 Permyakov A. I. Mikrotehnika, M., 1988.- S. 11-18, 28-29.
16 Prozina M.N. Botanicheskaya mikrotehnika, M., 1960.- 260 s.
1 Sakai T., Kogiso M. Soyisofl avones and immunity// J. Med. Invest. - 2008. – Vol. 55. - P. 167-173.
2 Liener I.E. Implications of antinutritional components in soybean foods// Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. - 1994. - Vol. 34. - P. 31-67.
3 Ososki A.L., Kennelly E.J. Phytoestrogens: a review of the present state of research // Phytother. Res. - 2003. - Vol. - 17. - P. 84-86.
4 Pimentel D., Patzek T. Ethanol production using corn, switchgrass and wood; biodiesel production using soybean/ (Eds) Pimentel D. Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems. - 2008. - New York: Springer. - P. 373-394.
5 Burris R.H., Roberts G.P. Biological nitrogen fixation // Annu .Rev. Nutr. - 1993. - Vol.13. - P. 317-335.
6 Sharma K.K., Lavanya M. Recent developments in transgenics for abiotic stress in legumes of the semi-arid tropics // JIRCAS Working Report. - 2002. - P. 61-73.
7 Specht J.E., Hume D.J., Kumudini S.V. Soybean yield potential - a genetic and physiological perspective // Crop Sci. 1999. - Vol. 39. - P. 1560-1570.
8 Meckel L., Egli D.B., Phillips R.E., Radcliffe D., Leggett J.E. Effect of moisture stress on seed growth in soybeans // Agron . J. 1984. - Vol. 75. - P. 1027-1031.
9 Manavalan L.P., Guttikonda S.K., Tran L.S.P., Nguyen H.T. Physiological and molecular approaches to improve drought resistance in soybean // Plant and Cell Physiology. - 2009. - Vol. 50. № 7. - P. 1260-1276.
10 Turner N.C., Wright G.C., Siddique K.H.M. Adaptation of grain legumes (pulses) to water limited environments // Adv. Agron. - 2001. - Vol. 71. - P. 193-203.
11 Nguyen H.T., Babu R.C., Blum A. Breeding for drought resistance in rice: physiology and molecular genetics considerations // Crop Science. - 1997. - Vol.37. - P. 1426-1434.
12 Удовенко Г.В. Диагностика устойчивости растений к стрессовым воздействиям. Методическое руководство. Л.:ВИР, 1988, 226 с.
13 Balint A.F., Szira F, Borner A. Galiba G. Segregation – and vances// Biotechnol. Adv. - 2010. - Vol.28. P.169-183.
14 Baloch M.J., Dunwell J., Khakwani A.A., Dennet M., Jatoi W.A., Channa S.A. Assessment of wheat cultivars for drougt tolerance via osmotic stress imposed at carly seedling growth stages// J.Agric. Res. 2012. - Vol.50. - P.299 -310
15 Пермяков А. И. Микротехника, М., 1988.- С. 11-18, 28-29.
16 Прозина М.Н. Ботаническая микротехника, М., 1960.- 260 с.
1 Sakai T., Kogiso M. Soyisofl avones and immunity// J. Med. Invest. - 2008. - Vol.55. - P. 167-173.
2 Liener I.E. Implications of antinutritional components in soybean foods// Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. -1994. - Vol. 34. -P. 31-67.
3 Ososki A.L., Kennelly E.J. Phytoestrogens: a review of the present state of research // Phytother. Res. - 2003. - Vol. - 17. - P. 84-86.
4 Pimentel D., Patzek T. Ethanol production using corn, switchgrass and wood; biodiesel production using soybean/ (Eds) Pimentel D. Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems. - 2008. - New York: Springer. - P. 373-394.
5 Burris R.H., Roberts G.P. Biological nitrogen fixation // Annu .Rev. Nutr. - 1993. - Vol.13. - P. 317-335.
6 Sharma K.K., Lavanya M. Recent developments in transgenics for abiotic stress in legumes of the semi-arid tropics // JIRCAS Working Report. - 2002. - P. 61-73.
7 Specht J.E., Hume D.J., Kumudini S.V. Soybean yield potential - a genetic and physiological perspective // Crop Sci. 1999. - Vol. 39. - P. 1560-1570.
8 Meckel L., Egli D.B., Phillips R.E., Radcliffe D., Leggett J.E. Effect of moisture stress on seed growth in soybeans // Agron . J.1984. - Vol. 75. - P. 1027-1031.
9 Manavalan L.P., Guttikonda S.K., Tran L.S.P., Nguyen H.T. Physiological and molecular approaches to improve drought resistance in soybean // Plant and Cell Physiology. - 2009. - Vol.50. ¹ 7. - P. 1260-1276.
10 Turner N.C., Wright G.C., Siddique K.H.M. Adaptation of grain legumes (pulses) to water limited environments // Adv. Agron. - 2001. - Vol. 71. - P. 193-203.
11 Nguyen H.T., Babu R.C., Blum A. Breeding for drought resistance in rice: physiology and molecular genetics considerations // Crop Science. - 1997. - Vol.37. - P. 1426-1434.
12 Udovenko G.V. Diagnostika ustoichivosti rastenii k stressovym vozdeistviyam. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo. L.:VIR, 1988, 226 s.
13 Balint A.F., Szira F, Borner A. Galiba G. Segregation and vances// Biotechnol. Adv. - 2010. - Vol.28. P.169-183.
14 Baloch M.J., Dunwell J., Khakwani A.A., Dennet M., Jatoi W.A., Channa S.A. Assessment of wheat cultivars for drougt tolerance via osmotic stress imposed at carly seedling growth stages// J.Agric. Res. 2012. - Vol.50. - P.299 -310
15 Permyakov A. I. Mikrotehnika, M., 1988.- S. 11-18, 28-29.
16 Prozina M.N. Botanicheskaya mikrotehnika, M., 1960.- 260 s.
How to Cite
Erzhebaeva, R. S., Didorenko, S. V., & Daniyarova, A. K. (2016). EVALUATION TO DROUGHT-RESISTANT TRAIT OF SOYBEAN VARIETIES BY USINGANATOMICAL, MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Experimental Biology, 65(3), 284–291. Retrieved from https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/1129