Antitumor metabolites of Polygonaceae Juss. family plants
Polygonaceae Juss., antitumor activity, cytotoxicity, secondary metabolites, polyphenols, flavonoids.Abstract
Results of studying of antitumor activity of various structural types of the natural flavonoids (leukoantocyanins, chalcones, flavonols, flavons, flavanons, catechins) extracted with authors from the Polygonaceae Juss. family plants, having industrial quantities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are given in article. Results of comparative studying of antitumor activity of natural flavonoids of various structural groups and their synthetic derivatives are for the first time presented. Possible mechanisms of anti-proliferative and cytotoxic action of flavonoids are proved.References
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7 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Antitumor activity and cytotoxicity of flavones, isoflavones, and flavanones of Polygonaceae plants // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2006. – Vol. 3. – N. 4. - P. 586-592
8 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Flavonoids as active constituents of medicinal plants // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – N. 2. - P. 147-156
9 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Studies on the antitumor activities of flavonoids and related compounds of medicinal plants and drugs // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – N. 3. - P. 365-373.
1 State Pharmacopoeia of the Republik of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Silk Way, 2008. – Vol. 1. - 592 p.
2 Vladimirskaya E.B. Biological bases of antitumor therapy. – M.: Agate-med, 2001.– 112 p.
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5 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu., Abilov Zh.A. Bioactive constituents of plants. Extraction, separation and analysis. - Almaty: Atamura, 2006. - 438 p.
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7 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Antitumor activity and cytotoxicity of flavones, isoflavones, and flavanones of Polygonaceae plants // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2006. – Vol. 3. – N. 4. - P. 586-592
8 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Flavonoids as active constituents of medicinal plants // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – N. 2. - P. 147-156
9 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Studies on the antitumor activities of flavonoids and related compounds of medicinal plants and drugs // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – N. 3. - P. 365-373.
1 Государственная фармакопея Республики Казахстан. – Т.1. - Алматы: Жибек жолы, 2008. – 592 с.
2 Владимирская Е.Б. Биологические основы противоопухолевой терапии. – М.: Агат-мед, 2001. – 112 с.
3 Мypавьева Д.А., Cамылина И.А., Якoвлев Г.П. Фаpмакогнозия. - М.: Мeдицина, 2002. - 656 с.
4 Петков В. Современная фитотерапия. - София: Медицина и физкультура. - 1998, 542 с.
5 Музычкина Р.А., Корулькин Д.Ю., Абилов Ж.А. Биологически активные вещества растений. Выделение, разделение, анализ. - Алматы: Атамұра, 2006. - 438 с.
6 Скил Р.Т. Противоопухолевая химиотерапия. Руководство. – М.: Гэотар-Медиа, 2011. – 1032 с.
7 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Antitumor activity and cytotoxicity of flavones, isoflavones, and flavanones of Polygonaceae plants // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2006. – Vol. 3. – N. 4. - P. 586-592
8 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Flavonoids as active constituents of medicinal plants // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – N. 2. - P. 147-156
9 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Studies on the antitumor activities of flavonoids and related compounds of medicinal plants and drugs // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – N. 3. - P. 365-373.
1 State Pharmacopoeia of the Republik of Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Silk Way, 2008. – Vol. 1. - 592 p.
2 Vladimirskaya E.B. Biological bases of antitumor therapy. – M.: Agate-med, 2001.– 112 p.
3 Muravyeva D.A., Samylina I.A., Yakovlev G. P. Pharmacognosy. - M.: Medicine, 2002. - 656 p.
4 Petkov V. Modern phytotherapy. - Sofia: Medicine and physical culture. - 1998, 542 p.
5 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu., Abilov Zh.A. Bioactive constituents of plants. Extraction, separation and analysis. - Almaty: Atamura, 2006. - 438 p.
6 Skil R. T. Antitumor chemotherapy. Handbook. – M.: Geotar-media, 2011. – 1032 p.
7 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Antitumor activity and cytotoxicity of flavones, isoflavones, and flavanones of Polygonaceae plants // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2006. – Vol. 3. – N. 4. - P. 586-592
8 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Flavonoids as active constituents of medicinal plants // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – N. 2. - P. 147-156
9 Muzychkina R.A., Korulkin D.Yu. Studies on the antitumor activities of flavonoids and related compounds of medicinal plants and drugs // Int. J. Med., Pharm. and Biomed. Eng. – 2004. – Vol. 1. – N. 3. - P. 365-373.
How to Cite
Korulkin, D. Y., Kurbatova, N. V., & Muzychkina, R. A. (2016). Antitumor metabolites of Polygonaceae Juss. family plants. Experimental Biology, 64(2), 174–181. Retrieved from