Respiratory division, goblet cells, macrophages, the air-blood barer and cigarette smoke.Abstract
Data on Protective and adaptive reactions of aeriferous and respiratory parts of lungs on the influence of various doses of cigarette smoke are provided. Adaptation and reactive changes of organellas, permeability disorders of the epithelial cells are shown. Electronically – microscopic research of respiratory department of lungs at influence of small doses of a cigarette smoke revealed sharp increase in volume of a kernel and kernel in the alveolotsitakh of the 1st type. The plasmatic membrane of an apikalny surface of alveolotsit of the 1st type formed long cytoplasmatic shoots and invagination. In a tsitolpazma of alveolotsit of II type the sizes the osmiofilnykh of little bodies due to prevalence of electronic and transparent material sharply increased. There were huge lamellar little bodies which are squeezing and pushing aside a kernel to the periphery of a cage. Big dose of cigarette smoke led to the expressed destructive changes of ciliate and caliciform cells of cylindrical epithelium of tracheas of experimental animals.References
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5. Adaptive responses of the respiratory department of lungs at long-term hypoxia // Herald TREASURY series ecological. - 2014. - № 1/2 (40). - 214-219 p. / KA Saparov, ST Nurtazin, SA Mankibaeva.
1. Бонашееская Т. И., Кумпан Н. Б. // Защитные приспособительные реакции воздухоносных и респираторных отделов легких при воздействии загрязни¬телей атмосферного воздуха // Архив анат.гистоол.эмбр., 1986. №4. С.141-146.
2. Yoneda К. Ц Ultrastructural localization of phospholipases in the Clara cell of the rat bronchiole Amer. // I.Pathol, 1978. V.93. P.745-752.
3. Бонашееская Т.И. // О характере действия газов и паров химических соединений на эпителий воздухоносных путей и респираторных отделов дыхательной системы. // Успехи соврем.биол., 1977. Т.84. Выл. 3(6). С.441-452.
4. Фетисов В.В., Гасимова З.М. // Архитектоника поверхности альвеолярных макрофагов // Архив анат.гистол. эмбр., 1985. Т.88. №3. С.84-89.
5. Адаптивные реакции респираторного отдела легких при долговременной гипоксической гипоксии // ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Экология сер. – 2014. – № 1/2(40). – 214-219 с. / К.А. Сапаров, С.Т. Нуртазин, С.А. Манкибаева.
1. Bonasheeskaya TI, Kumpan NB // Protective pneumatic adaptive reactions and respiratory portions of the lungs when exposed to air zagryazni¬teley // Archive anat.gistool.embr., 1986. №4. S.141-146.
2. Yoneda К. Ц Ultrastructural localization of phospholipases in the Clara cell of the rat bronchiole Amer. // I.Pathol, 1978. V.93. P.745-752.
3. Bonasheeskaya TI // On the nature of the action of gases and vapors of chemical compounds on the epithelium of the airways and respiratory respiratory system. // Advances sovrem.biol., 1977. T.84. Howled. 3 (6). S.441-452
4. VV Fetisov, Gasimov ZM // Arhitektonika surface of alveolar macrophages // Archive anat.gistol. Embry., 1985. T.88. №3. S.84-89.
5. Adaptive responses of the respiratory department of lungs at long-term hypoxia // Herald TREASURY series ecological. - 2014. - № 1/2 (40). - 214-219 p. / KA Saparov, ST Nurtazin, SA Mankibaeva.
How to Cite
Saparov, K. A., Nurtasin, S. T., Bazarbayeva, Z. M., Yessimsiitova, Z. B., & Mankibaeva, S. A. (2016). ADAPTIVE REACTIONS OF LUNGS AT INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS DOSE OF THE CIGARETTE SMOKE. Experimental Biology, 63(1), 324–329. Retrieved from
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