Comparative analysis of hematological indices in rats at the effect of initial form of α-lipoic acid
α-lipoic acid, rats, hematological indices, initial form, platelets, hemoglobin, erythrocytesAbstract
To improve pharmacodynamics and drug farmakokineshks alk is necessary to develop and obtain new forms nanokapsuls, the study of the basic biological and pharmacological properties to further carry out all the necessary tests. Currently delk have been actively used in clinical practice, due to its antioxidants properties, as well as the ability to bind molecules and prevents his participation in the processes of lipid peroxidation. Lipoic acid acts as an inhibitor. Llipoic acid has a high degree of safety related to its physiological nature, proved its efficacy and safet, which determines its relevance to medicine. Recent advances in biomedical science have created the prerequisites for the development of new approaches to the diagnosis and prevention of socially significant diseases of man and the development of original, high- performance drugs with reduced toxicity.References
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5. Abdel-Zaher A.O., Abdel-Hady R.H., Mahmoud M.M. et al. The potential protective role of alpha-lipoic acid against acetaminophen-induced hepatic and renal damage. Toxicology. – 2008 Jan 20; 243(3): 261–70.
6. Lipunova E.A., Tukin B.N., Rezanova T.A. Izmenenie gematologicheskih pokazateley u bolnyh saharnym diabetom pozhilux liudei neuchnye vedomosti belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seria: estestvennye neuki. – 2007. – Т. 5. - № 5. – S. 85 – 88.
7. Tukhtaev ТюЛю Funcsionalno-structurnye izmenenia kletok systemy krovi pri experimentalnom hronicheskom geliotrinnom gepatite I nekotorye puti ix korrecsii. Avtoreferat diccertasii na soisk.k.m.n. Specialnost VAK RF: 14.00.16/ Patologicheskaya fiziologia.Tashkent, 1999. – S. 19.
1. Барабой В.А. Альфа-липоевая - дигидролипоевая кислоты - активная биоантиоксидантная и биорегуляторная система // Укр. біохім. журн. – 2005. – Т. 77. - № 3. – С. 20 – 26.
2. Березов Т.Т., Коровкин Б.Ф. Биологическая химия. – М.: Медицина, 1990. – 528 с.
3. Фардиева Р.М., Залялютдинова Л.Н., Гайнетдинова А.Н. Изучение влияния липоевой кислоты на интелектуально-мнестические функции мозга у добровольцев // Фундаментальные исследования. – 2013. – № 2 (часть 1). – С. 186 – 188.
4. Стаховская Л.В., Алехин А.В., Гусева О.И. Клиническое применение препаратов липоевой кислоты // Справочник поликлинич. врача. – 2007. - № 5. – С. 1 – 6.
5. Abdel-Zaher A.O., Abdel-Hady R.H., Mahmoud M.M. et al. The potential protective role of alpha-lipoic acid against acetaminophen-induced hepatic and renal damage. Toxicology. – 2008 Jan 20; 243(3): 261–70.
6. Липунова Е.А., Тукин В.Н., Резанова Т.А. Изменение гематологических показателей у больных сахарным диабетом пожилых людей научные ведомости белгородского государственного университета. серия: естественные науки. – 2007. – Т. 5. - № 5. – С. 85 – 88.
7. Тухтаев Н. К. Функционально-структурные изменения клеток системы крови при экспериментальном хроническом гелиотринном гепатите и некоторые пути их коррекции. автореферат диссертации на соиск. к.м.н. Специальность ВАК РФ: 14.00.16/Патологическая физиология. Ташкент, 1999. – С. 19.
1. Baraboy B.A. Alfa-lipoevaia- digidrolipoevaia kisloty- activnaya bioantiocsidantnaya i bioregulyatornaya systema // Ukr.biochim.zhurn.-2005.- Т. 77. - № 3. – S. 20 – 26.
2. Berezov T.T., Korovkin B.F. Biologicheskaya himia. –M.:Medicina, 1990. – 528 s
3. Fardieva R.M., Zaliuldinova L.N., Izuchenie vliania lipoevoi kisloty na intelectualno-mnesticheskie funcsi mozga г dobrovolcev// Fundamentalnoe issledovania. – 2013. – № 2 (часть 1). – S. 186 – 188.
4. Stahovskaya L.B., Alehin A.B., Guseva O.I. Clinicheskoe primenenie preparatov lipoevoi kisloty // Spravochnik policlinich.vracha. – 2007.-№ 5. – S. 1 – 6.
5. Abdel-Zaher A.O., Abdel-Hady R.H., Mahmoud M.M. et al. The potential protective role of alpha-lipoic acid against acetaminophen-induced hepatic and renal damage. Toxicology. – 2008 Jan 20; 243(3): 261–70.
6. Lipunova E.A., Tukin B.N., Rezanova T.A. Izmenenie gematologicheskih pokazateley u bolnyh saharnym diabetom pozhilux liudei neuchnye vedomosti belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seria: estestvennye neuki. – 2007. – Т. 5. - № 5. – S. 85 – 88.
7. Tukhtaev ТюЛю Funcsionalno-structurnye izmenenia kletok systemy krovi pri experimentalnom hronicheskom geliotrinnom gepatite I nekotorye puti ix korrecsii. Avtoreferat diccertasii na soisk.k.m.n. Specialnost VAK RF: 14.00.16/ Patologicheskaya fiziologia.Tashkent, 1999. – S. 19.
How to Cite
Shaikhymbekova, R. M., Kolbay, I. S., Ablaykhanova., N. T., Makhmudova, L. K., & Kudrina, N. O. (2016). Comparative analysis of hematological indices in rats at the effect of initial form of α-lipoic acid. Experimental Biology, 63(1), 168–172. Retrieved from
Experimental biology. Biological bases of genofonds and the development of scientific research in the field of plant