Quality of fermented foods


  • G. Loiseau Montpellier SupAgro - Institut des Régions Chaudes, UMR 95 Qualisud – CIRAD, Montpellier, France
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Ключевые слова:

fermentation, microorganisms, milk, meat, HACCP,


Fermentation is, with drying and salting, one of the oldest methods for food preservation. Fermented foods can represent more than half of the daily diet of rural and urban populations in many countries in the world. The processes participating to the elaboration of the quality of fermented foods depend on the composition of the raw material and of the indigenous microflora but also of the environmental conditions of the raw material. Generally, pre-fermentative operations allow bacterial species (i) to colonize mainly the environment, (ii) to lead specific biochemical transformations catalyzed by enzymes synthesized in a sufficient quantity and active, (iii) to synthesize macromolecules with antimicrobial activity.

Библиографические ссылки

1 Humblot C., Perez-Pulido R., Akaki D., Loiseau G., Guyot J-P. Prevalence and Fate of Bacillus cereus in African Traditional Cereal-Based Foods Used as Infant Foods // J. Food Protect. – 2012. – V. 75(9). – P. 1642-5.

2 Akaki D., Loiseau G., Vernière-Icar C. and Guyot J-P. Occurrence of Pathogenic Bacteria in Traditional Millet- Based Fermented Gruels for Young Children in West Africa: Ben-Saalga and Ben-Kida in Ouagadougou (Burkina- Faso) // Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology. - 2011. – V. 3(6). – P. 446-454.

3 Faye B., Alexandre G., Bonnet P., Boutonnet J.P., Cardinale E., Duteurtre G., Loiseau G., Montet D., Mourot J., Regina F. Elevage et qualité des produits en régions chaudes // Inra Prod. Anim. - 2011. – V.24 (1). – P.77-88.

4 Froeder Arcuri E., Angelo F.F., Martins Guimarães M.F., Talon R., Borges M.F., Leroy S., Loiseau G., Lange C.C., Andrade N.J., Montet D. Toxigenic status of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine raw milk and minas frescal cheese in Brazil // Journal of food protection. - 2010. –V. 73(12). –P. 2225-2231.

5 Ahmed A.I., Mohamed B.E., Yousif N.M.E., Faye B., Loiseau G., Antimicrobial activity and antibiotic resistance of LAB isolated from Sudanese traditional fermented camel (Camelus dromedarius) milk gariss //Intl J. Biosci. – 2012. – V. 2(11). – P. 129-136.

6 Maiwore J., Tatsadjieu L.N., Montet D., Loiseau G., Mbofung C.M.F. Comparison of bacterial communities of tilapia fish from Cameroon and Vietnam using PCR-DGGE (polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis). African journal of Biotechnology. – 2009. – V.8 (24). – P. 7156-7163.


Как цитировать

Loiseau, G. (2015). Quality of fermented foods. Вестник КазНУ. Серия биологическая, 60(2), 142–143. извлечено от https://bb.kaznu.kz/index.php/biology/article/view/146