Biochemical and anatomical research of Kazakhstan Seriphidium heptapotamicum (Asteraceae)


  • D. Mirzaliyeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • B. Sultanova Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • A. Aksoy Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Akdeniz University, Turkey, Antalya

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Currently, the study of the structure and composition of plants is very important for medicine, perfumery, farms, etc. The section of the Asteraceae family includes Seriphidium heptapotamicum (Poljak) Ling & Y.R. Ling.  This study discusses biochemical and anatomical features. According to new observations, the  the previous description of the species was added by the additional information. Anatomical studies were carried out  by the vegetative organs of S.heptapotamicum using the paraffin method. The anatomy of S.heptapotamicum have not been studied. Anatomically, the root cross section has the epidermis as a protective tissue in the outer layer and the endodermis is not clearly seen. The stems have a thick, well-developed layer of sclerenchyma. Leaves are equilateral. For a biochemical study, the essential oil was isolated from the aerial parts of S.heptapotamicum  using a Clevenger type apparatus. The yield of S.heptapotamicum essential oil was found to be 2.4 %. The chemical composition of the essential oil was analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS simultaneously. The chemical composition of essential oil depends on the collectionsites. The essential oil  is composed of  14 components, in which  the major dominant constituents were Thujone-41.10%, 1,8-Cineole-22.84%, β-Thujone-17.45% and Camphor (11.99%). In addition, the essential oil contents of S. heptapotamica have been obtained  in this study.

Keywords: Seriphidium heptapotamicum, Altyn-Emel, Essential Oil, GC; GC-MS.


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How to Cite

Mirzaliyeva, D., Sultanova, B., & Aksoy, A. (2020). Biochemical and anatomical research of Kazakhstan Seriphidium heptapotamicum (Asteraceae). Experimental Biology, 84(3), 17–25.