Development of complex scale of diagnostics of perspectivity of Тulipa L. varieties in a Mangyshlak experimental botanical garden


  • N. I. Duisenova Mangyshlak experimental botanical garden, Aktau, Kazakhstan
  • K. J. Temirbaeva
  • I. F. Belozerov
  • A. A. Imanbaeva Mangyshlak experimental botanical garden, Aktau, Kazakhstan

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The article presents the results of the introduction study of tulip varieties in the collection of the Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden (MEBG), also presents the development of a comprehensive scale for diagnosing the prospects of tulip varieties in arid conditions of Mangistau.

The goal of our research is to identify promising varieties of tulipa and replicate the most decorative of them for usage in landscape design and green building cities and towns Mangistau.

In gardening of settlements and cities of Mangystau Region tulips it is almost not used. Many Dutch tulip varieties, introduced into other climatic conditions, do not fully demonstrate their decorative qualities. Conducting studies on the assessment of varieties makes it possible to identify the most promising varieties that show their biological and decorative properties to the maximum in the new conditions of introduction. The most common scales in the practice of phytointroduction of the method of V.N. Bylov, E.L. Tyshchenko and Yu.V. Timkina and developed on the basis of their approbation of a new regional scale for assessing their prospects with regard to the belonging of a variety to a particular group were chosen to determine the promising qualities of varieties Tulipa hybrida hort.

At present, 152 varieties of tulips from 13 garden classes grow in the collection of flower and ornamental plants of MEBG. This paper presents the results of two-year observations of the varieties of tulips. All attracted varieties of tulips showed high adaptability. Introduced tulips successfully grow in arid conditions of Mangyshlak under favorable conditions, show a high decorative effect and the prospects for introduction into gardening.

Structurally developed regional scale for grades of tulips includes the 11th diagnostic sign, broken into three sections: biological stability; decorative habitus properties; reproductive ability. As a result of the comprehensive assessment, 4 «medium-term», 24 «high-promising», 17 «high-promising» and 5 «very high-promising» tulip varieties were revealed, which allow you to create decorative floral compositions of various types in the conditions of the Mangistau arid zone.

Key words: introduction, varieties tulip, complex scale, perspective, Mangistau conditions.


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How to Cite

Duisenova, N. I., Temirbaeva, K. J., Belozerov, I. F., & Imanbaeva, A. A. (2019). Development of complex scale of diagnostics of perspectivity of Тulipa L. varieties in a Mangyshlak experimental botanical garden. Experimental Biology, 77(4), 4–16.

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