The Environmental assessment of the current state oak of middle reaches of the Ural River within the West- Kazakhstan Region


  • М. V. Mamysheva Западно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Утемисова
  • Т. Е. Darbayeva Западно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Утемисова
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oak forest, environmental factors, degradation, English oak, pollution,


As a result of 13 years of research revealed the floristic composition of gully and oak woods. Flora is represented by 509 species of plants belonging to 73 families and 292 genera. When this was a decrease in species diversity due to the impact of various environmental factors. The disappearances of 55 species have led to a reduction in the natural gene pool and reduce productivity of natural floodplain and riparian vegetation. The most common types of oak woods are oak forests -Blackberry and oak forests - Convallaria. Currently, there is degradation of oak. Reasons caused by this process are: air pollution, water level drop of Ural River, the groundwater level, mass diseases of trees and leaf mass destruction by pests and climatic changes. Keywords: oak forest, environmental factors


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How to Cite

Mamysheva М. V., & Darbayeva Т. Е. (2015). The Environmental assessment of the current state oak of middle reaches of the Ural River within the West- Kazakhstan Region. Experimental Biology, 60(2), 85–89. Retrieved from