Introduction into the culture in vitro Paeonia hybrida Pall.andP.anomala L.


  • A. Myrzagaliyeva S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University
  • T. Samarkhanov S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University
  • A. Akzambek S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University
  • A. Orazov S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University
  • A. Saduova S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University
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culture of tissues and organs of plants, clonal micropropagation, conservation of biodiversity, endemic species.


The main point of this work was researching of introducing features in in vitro culture that rare and endangered species as Paeonia hybrida Pall. and P.anomala L of flora in Kazakhstan. Paeonia hybrida Pall. (Paeoniaceae Rudolphi) is endemic on the southeast of Western Siberia and the Eastern Kazakhstan mountains. It is found in the chain of mountains of Altai, Tarbagatay, Saur, and on the northern slope of Jungar Alatau, as well as in the accumbent part of East Upland. P.anomala L. (Paeoniaceae Rudolphi) is the rare and endangered species, which is listed in The Red Book of endangered animals and plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It predominately grows in Kazakhstan, Central Asia, the Altai, in the forest zone of Siberia from the Urals to the Lena and Lake Baikal, and very rarely grows in the north of European Russia. Number and habitats of these species are reduced because of the collection of plants for bouquets and digging roots for use in a medical treatment. Thereby the main point of this work was introducing of species as P.hybridа и P.anomala in in vitro culture for further micro propagation and using of obtained material for the preservation and restoration the population of these species.

Choosing of the concentration and exposure of used sterilizing agent is significant on the phase of introducing in culture. Effective methods of sterilization of Paeonia hybrida and P.anomala seeds within R. hybrida buds resuming were developed.

Also the methods of introduction in culture and cultivation of in vitro seeds and isolated embryos of P. hybrida and P.anomala. were developed.

The possibility of breeding in P. hybrid that is explant culture of renewal buds was presented. At the phase of micro propagation for species of P.hybrida Pall the breeding ground is optimal even additionally with 1 mg / l BAP, 1 mg / l IUK and 40 g / l sucrose. Application of Murashige/Skoog environment with half strength salts, growth regulators complex (BAP, IUK, GA3) and 40 g/l of sucrose is positively introducing P.hybrida buds in culture and micro propagation phase.

When P. hybrida and P.anomala seeds were used as explants for introduction into culture, the effective embryo isolation was proved. In introduction phase of embryos P.anomala in culture the Murashige/Skoog environment with IUK, 1 mg/l BAP 1 mg/l Kinetin 1 mg/l, Gibberellin acid 0.1 mg / l is effective.

The developed methods of producing plants regenerated hybrid peony of flora of East Kazakhstan will be used by biotechnology methods to preserve the gene pool in the collections of in vitro; plants obtained by clonal micro propagation will be adapted to the open ground, the study will be continued with the further introduction and reintroduction in natural populations. 



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How to Cite

Myrzagaliyeva, A., Samarkhanov, T., Akzambek, A., Orazov, A., & Saduova, A. (2016). Introduction into the culture in vitro Paeonia hybrida Pall.andP.anomala L. Experimental Biology, 68(3), 180–187. Retrieved from